JGLM | Dominion Life Church Live Broadcast.


  1. Very excellent teaching. Music needs major help. Not being mean, but sing some old songs that support an atmosphere for the Spirit. Your newer style hippie music does the opposite. Love how Bro Blake teaches. Planning on visiting later this yr when traveling.

  2. Brother Curry, most Churches in America don't teach on Healing, Authority or Deliverance, in The United States of America. I started seeking the Kingdom of God, on my own. Thank God for You, Andrew Womack and Derek Prince. Derek Prince came to the United States before I was born and is with The Lord Now. I first started learning about Deliverance through Derek Prince teachings. All of You are Great Men of God.

  3. MONTH 3 ON DHT also reading "Concerning Tongues" I'm going to be a powerful healer I just need to get beyond the fear…God hath not given me the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of sound mind! I'll get there. The music is so POWERFUL I have no words!

  4. Please please pastor Curry can I get a copy of the 7 rule to help keep our selfies safe from evil in our surroundings, our even Email it to me, I sure would be grateful, thanks.

  5. Thank you so much for this teaching! And for the up coming teaching of this topic because I know that your teachings are solid and biblical that I won’t get confuse or be deceive🙏

  6. Basic Notes:
    How to get yourself free:
    1. You have to know that you know that you know that it is God's will for you to be free
    Proof of God's will:
    Ephesians 1:3(freedom from demonic influence), John 8:36, romans 8:32
    2. Get clean, stay clean
    Truley Repent of any known sin
    3. Thank God and praise God for freedom
    Speak faith by thanking God
    4. Know Jesus already defeated the enemy and has authority to cast that demon out of your life!
    5. Know that you can speak for Jesus and speak with his authority
    6. Get out of pity! Do not speak from pity or hope. Know what you will about to do will settle your problem! Pity takes the form of excuse. If you make an excuse everything will become an excuse and the thing will torment you!
    7. Now you have to learn and do this: you have to command the devil to leave your mind and body!

    How to set others free:
    1. Put on and keep on the Armour of God!
    Ephesians 6
    2. Know that you are right with God
    3. You must have power and authority over devils
    4. You have to know that Jesus won the war and know that you will win the battle
    5. Know that Jesus has all authority and that you speak for him
    6. Be clean, stay clean
    7. you must command the devil to go!
    You speak to the devil and command him to go, you need to carry command presence

    Secret: if you carry command presence more often you will need to command for yourself less because of your reputation in hell.

  7. I just want to compliment the worship team; the harmonizing, singing skill, and instrumental skill is really good. Thank you for using your abilities to bless the church and bless God. 💗
    I know the worship team is not performing for show, but rather out of a heart to lead the congregation in worship, as they are worshipping God also.


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