JGLM | Dominion Life Church Live Broadcast.


  1. God bless you 🙏 leaving my seed of faith in the ground. Worship beautiful. The heart of Curry Blake when sharing humanity suffering 💔 😢 ❤️ 😭 We All should take a lesson.

  2. Curry Blake, you are so rare! Thank you for calling us to be about Our Father’s business and for people to quit acting like babies! We need to be high impact low maintenance Christians. Thank you for calling us to deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow Christ! God bless you for calling us to die to self, pick up our cross and follow Christ. It is NOT about a title, position, it’s about walking in John5:19 and 30 anointing !!! Having courage to see, hear and OBEY! Keep going brother!

  3. Thankful for the simplicity that is in Christ, and for a gospel that works! Another treasure in the word is Mark 16:18, they will “take up” (G142-take away, cast away, lift away, expiate sin) serpents (poisonous evil spirits). Glory to God!

  4. I will watch/listen to this until it becomes an automatic response to whatever is needed at the time without overthinking it…it will become naturally a part of me allowing the Holy Spirit to flow to accomplish the will of God.

  5. I hear the call and shall labor to heal the sick! Praise God!
    We lift up our Brother in Christ, Curry Blake and all those righteously doing Gods Will! Lord, we call out for more leaders to do your good work!! ❤️🙏🏻❤️


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