Your time has come!! Join us to experience the mighty works of Jesus, the Miracle Worker at this Global Crusade with Pastor (Dr.) …


  1. Oh Lord show me mercy, the enemy snatched what belong to me and boosted that he's powerful but you are more powerful my God I need your restoration or whatever you will for me for you are my Creator.

  2. Oh God my heavenly Father you know the truth expose the truth, remove every evil vail, Father open the secret of the enemy, the enemy must not go free expose the truth Lord, expose the truth now Lord expose every truth, you give children after marriage what happened Daddy God what happened! Expose everything, when you choose You don't make mistake, You created marriage is not a joke it's your creation, expose what happened in that marriage, expose oh my God oh my God do you see and know it all.

    You gave Sarah, you remembered Hannah, you remembered Rebecca You are still the same God show your mercy daddy.


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