Jesus Revolution was NOT What I Expected

Jesus Revolution is a new faith based major motion picture that hit theaters everywhere this weekend. In this video I review the …


  1. This was actually a positive video. I confess that I saw the thumbnail for the video and thought, 'What is this young man complaining about now?' But, I was pleasantly surprised when I watched the video. I started watching this young man's videos; but, had to stop due to the fact that they were very negative and critical. This was a good video. It was very positive. I suppose I'll start watching a few kids videos again.

  2. Understandable
    But this approach brought more lukewarm Christianity as what should have been done was the traditional Christians should have changed the hippies , not the other way around, Jesus Christ was speaking of those that were not Christians and didn’t say we should relax the faith to accommodate them or me ( as I am a sinner as well)

    Now what is the aftermath?
    Now we are seeing it with the rampant acceptance of sin in our churches starting with the “non traditional ones “

  3. I am a member of Harvest Church and I listen to Pastor Greg Laurie every week… the movie is a Testament to him and his Life's Mission…. BEAUTIFUL 💖💖

  4. I saw the movie and loved it. I was in rebellion in the early stages of this movement, having been genuinely saved when I was eight years old. I had drifted from the Lord as a teenager. The acting was very good and I would highly recommend seeing it.
    I was so moved I cried through more than half of the movie.

  5. as a teen ager in the 70s I remember the movement, I was not part of it, The Lord was introduced to me as a child, I remember many disillusioned hippis were hungry for the love of Christ, sadly many were deceived into the Krisna and mooney cults and eventually jim jones , many turned away from God after the novelity wore off but Many more came to Christ and that was the best part of that time. People like to romantise the hippis but in truth they were mostly angry middle class and rich kids, who later became the greedy yuppis they accused their parents of being, never liked them, still don't lol

  6. I remember as a child in the early 70s a member of the "Jesus Freaks" coming to speak at my large Baptist church and most people being scandalized. I had never seen a young person "preaching" before. He seemed so natural and informal to me that I didn't understand why he was in pulpit. I began to think that maybe religion did not have to be run by "old people."

  7. Looks like a decent movie! Maybe I'll see it. I get a little wary when Christianity is in movies, just cos it can go very very wrong lol, but it seems good from what you've said.

  8. This wasn’t just a movie. This is in a way a biography. Beautiful work by the producers. Jesus is alive! Thank you Holy Spirit for your power.

  9. It sounds like the fathers reconciling with the children, and the children with the fathers. Any time this can happen, a move of God can take place. In this case, it was because Chuck Smith was desperate and had nothing to lose, but there will be other revivals to come that will be based on profound doctrine that reconciles the old and the young. It's coming.


  11. I can’t imagine why they would use the same actor who plays Jesus and make him look the same. Smh. Too many christian movie and so corny and bad that I won’t even bother with this one. I can even tell just from the trailer. The reality is if you wanna make a christian movie good… Christians probably won’t like it cus it wouldn’t be PG. I mean hey look a the Bible, it’s worse than game of thrones. The movie Paul The Apostle was great… but it had violence, because it dealt with persecution.

  12. Johnathan Roomie? Is a Catholic mystic. I won't watch anything with him in it.
    The Jesus movement promoted a false Jesus, a hippie Jesus that doesn't talk about sin or repentance.

  13. Dang…. hmmm. I think if I saw antifa or someone from the LGBT community walk in to my church I'd prob act the same way as the oldie congregation in the movie tbh. Then I would probably be rebuked for doing so… I'd be more suspicious of their purpose for being there though. Like, what kind of shenanigans are they up to? Times are different, dontcha think?

  14. Thanks for sharing! This is interesting. I do believe that the POWER of God's Salavation can move amongst any group or people or culture. But I would still digest it slowly but you do break it down well.

  15. This movie got me thinking that the new ”sinners” that the church has not yet opened their hearts is the LGBTQIA community. I am not for their beliefs, but I think that the new big movement today is that group that also desperately needs Jesus in their lives.

    Would be great that God would rise up a new annointed person from that community who can speak their language and reach people involved in that kind of lifestyle…

  16. Man, that actor, who plays Jesus really WANTS that MONEY!!! He even sells his own rosary beads & I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he tries to sell "love beads," too.💍

  17. Very good analysis. The girls & I had a couple of more, but don’t want to spoil anything! Thought it was decently written, shot, & produced! Christian productions will be winning Oscars in the pits of hell soon, dragging a few out as the exit…❤

  18. I thought it was great with “Lonnie” as the main character. I think it’s really weird that Greg Laurie was also a main character. Most people have movies made about them once their dead, but Greg is definitely still alive 😂

  19. I was saved through the Jesus movement. The film did a great job showing how things really were back then and I have to tell you, most main line evangelical churches despised the Jesus movement and did not want their youth associated with them!

  20. I was a teen in the 70’s, living in a rural area. We didn’t see much of the impact of it here. Probably the biggest thing was my prayer group sang songs that weren’t the old hymns. We sang a lot of the Psalms. I remember going to DC with my prayer group to Full Gospel Men’s Business Convention and seeing Jesus people worshiping with those that would be considered conservative. It was awesome! I’m hoping to go with my husband this weekend to see the movie. I had surgery two weeks ago and came home and promptly got sick with something else.

  21. So happy and blessed to have been a part of this movie. Made many friends while filming and we have all kept in touched, we even went to the premiere together to see it. The story is true, made with a purpose for a much needed spiritual revival, the message was simple yet powerful. Hope it brings many to Lord. ❤️✝️

  22. I went to Horizon Christian Fellowship in North Park Theatre in San Diego with Mike Mackintosh and his assistant Pastor was Ray Bentley. Mike always talked about chuck smith and the love he had for him. That was such a wonderful time. Sunday nights that place was packed. Ray of course went on to start Maranatha. Great pastors that impacted me and my family. Rip Pastor Ray.


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