Jesus Revolution SMASHES Box Office Estimates, Hollywood Shocked

Jesus Revolution SMASHES Box Office Estimates, Hollywood Shocked : My New Song! : Access …


  1. I saw the passion 3 times. The first time was opening night. There were 2 very loud Satanists at the back of the theater just before the movie started. At the end of the movie, no one got up. After when the credits were done, the projector was off, and the lights were up, the crowd started to leave, and it was silent. I hung back and was one of the last to leave because I had been sitting in the front row. As I got to the back where the Satanists had been sitting, one was gone, and one was left, head bowed, his face burried in his hands……… sobbing.

  2. Yo, excellent point on supporting Christian artists and helping to fix the problems that we complain about. We need more of this in order to help shape the world for the future. Great video, bro!

  3. "Jesus might not return for hundreds of years…". What a bitter pill to swallow. You're absolutely correct. We need to step it up and make the world a better place for the next generation, especially our own children!

  4. The Thorn, Come Out In The Name of Jesus & His Only Son are upcoming Christian movies. I’d like to support them all. Jesus Revolution is a great movie.

  5. If you think this stupid film is good and about Jesus you are lost.
    The world hates Jesus, if this film is popular then it’s nothing abiht the Gospel:

  6. Just because someone calls themselves a Christian and puts out media, that doesn't mean they should be supported. The world is obsessively wicked and hates the truths that Jesus spoke. Be sure that what you support aligns with God's word.

  7. I took two family members who hadnt heard about it. My Brother immediately got the n his phone and told everyone to go see it including the waitress at dinner. I am taking more people and telling more about it. Everything you are saying is true. I am 72 and this changwd everything I was taught. 🥰❤️❤️


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