Jesus Came to Save Sinners | Charles Spurgeon | Free Christian Audiobook

Audiobook Description ~ This is a heart-level conversation with you, the reader. Every excuse, reason, and roadblock for not …


  1. HE is Not Lost!🙏
    Did you Really open your heart to this Powerful, Wonderful, God Sent Sermon???
    I plead with you to please do ..from beginning to end.
    If your thoughts continue to block out the Words…
    Keep Rewinding.
    Repeat Everyday….
    In Jesus Name I Pray!🙏

  2. "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

    Did Jesus come to save the sinners who murdered Hypatia in a church and flayed her skin with oyster shells because they were penniless Christian monks too pious to own knives? Or the sinners who cover-up their fellow priests' plethora of sexual misconduct? What about the constant occultation of historical facts via Christian institutions, and the blatant occult infiltration of the churches?

    Anglosphere Christians need to LEARN TO READ THE BIBLE. It's in Greek, not 1600s upper-class English, and it changes all the meanings in the text significantly. You will need to deliberately learn new things in order to read your Bible for the first time. The hardest part will be accepting that you actually have never read your Bible and re-adopting that Beginner's Mindset. Muslims and Jews read their original language texts, so they could never and have never been scammed en masse the way the Clergy has scammed Christian believers for centuries. Now we are in an era where even people who were able to read voraciously as a child are forgetting how! Soon we will be back to buying indulgences from our local Clergyman because we don't know any better.

    "Christianity is the Most Perverted System That Has Ever Shone Upon Man" – Thomas Jefferson

    Y'all have been DUPED so hard, and I was too. I'm glad I'm free now.

  3. The very pictographic original Hebrew letters tell the good news. YHVH is Yod,HAND. HAY,BEHOLD. VAV,NAIL. HAY,BEHOLD. BEHOLD THE HAND BEHOLD THE NAIL. Blood is Dalet,door and Mem,water. Jesus,Yeshua is the Door and living water. Yeshua is YSVA,HAND TEETH NAIL EYE. If you see me you see the Father. Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have nothing to do with me

  4. Improper Worship to God!

    In 1954, Congress approved an amendment by Sen. Lyndon Johnson to prohibit 501(c)(3) organizations, which includes charities and churches, from engaging in any political campaign activity. To the extent Congress has revisited the ban over the years, it has in fact strengthened the ban. The most recent change came in 1987 when Congress amended the language to clarify that the prohibition also applies to statements opposing candidates.

    Does Your Church favor Money over Truth? Your Church can't speak of the Democratic Evils like Abortion? Or Canidates in Politics???

    For God Said…"The Love Of Money is the Root of ALL EVIL!"

    Start Speaking the TRUTH!

  5. Thank you for bringing God's word to me.
    I wasn't feeling well and to hear the word of God and your teaching is just what I needed.
    I appreciate your teaching.
    Praise God and thank God for the love of God.

  6. Jesus Came To Bring The Christianity MoveMent..To Help Us Correcting Our Own sinful behaviours To Become True To Our Love With Our Behaviours Also To Go Home To Heaven..God Did NOT Crucify Jesus to then be satisfied to forgive Us Our Ongoing sinful behaviours..those socalled Christian preachers that Try to Dictate to Jesuss Whole Christianity MoveMent To Crucify Jesus For It All..For The Exact Same Reason Jesus Came To Bring Christianity..those Violent TO Jesus SoCalled christian socalled preachers Are Demonic For Doing So..Being Violent To Jesus Does NOT Get You Into Heaven..Look For True Christian Preachers..And Follow Jesus NOT those Pigs..

  7. There is 0 proof of a Greek Roman name, Jesus, answer prayer, made miracles, existed.

    God hates all religions and offers you a pass to him if…

    If you will walk away from the ways of the world of submitting and trusting and relying, and depending on idols, a.k.a. religions, governments and religions, who write laws to keep you in check and line their pockets.

    They do not know God the creator the one who wrote the covenant that you carry around in the front of your book, called Babel named after the alleged got his daughter biblios

    If you do not pursue understanding the words of the covenant like David did, and walk away like Abraham did… God will never introduced himself to you, and you will never find him through the above mentioned shell game

  8. Please people stop listening to these reformed preachers. They sounds so eloquent but much of this simply isn’t biblical. The gospel saves. So, what is the gospel. It’s 1 Cor 15 and nothing else. The death burial and resurrection of Jesus

  9. I agree that we should always read everything in context as you were saying. You have to ask when you see the word “saved”, saved from what because saved doesn’t always mean saved from hell. In fact the majority of the time it has nothing to do with salvation from sin.


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