Jesus Appeared and Called Her Out For This…

Jesus appeared in a dream and rebuked her for what she did to them in His name. The sad thing is.. this type of behavior happens …


  1. I took my daughter to a Christian homeschool group when she was younger, I was shunned by their mannerisms and body language. I wasn't a believer back then, and if someone would have showed me how good Yahweh's word is for raising a child of good character, who knows how different life would be for us both.

  2. I actually needed this I just had a conversation similar to this with my worship leader. I find a problem with the music they have chosen to sing because it's from a ministry that isn't preaching the true gospel, I brought it up to him and he explained it really well to me.

  3. So when you, O man, pass judgment on others, yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God’s judgment? Or do you disregard the riches of His kindness, tolerance, and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness leads you to repentance? But because of your hard and unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of wrath, when God’s righteous judgment will be revealed. Romans 2:3-5

  4. This was awesome!! So very true, I have been guilty of this in the past and at times still, I work at it and pray and reread Matthew chapter 7 and Galatians Chapter 5 looking to further develop the fruits of the spirit.

  5. We are no better but as we strive to be more like Christ we are called to do it out of love.
    Build personal relationship first with others and learn about them; then God will reveal to you how to address your friends weakness at hand.

    We all fall short and struggle in different areas; hence why Jesus cape to earth as man but most importantly something He always should while here on this earth is relationship; and that is what a lot of people struggle with in today’s world.
    It’s not always money or materialistic things we are searching for, most people are in need of personal relationships. First have one with Jesus and watch how amazing your relationships on this earth work.
    Mine changed so much when I did it out of Gods love and not for myself!

  6. Im trying to hold on to my faith but it just seems so hard these days. Oh,, GOD. I feel like Im losing my mind with all the problems Im currently facing. My relationship with my family is getting worse, I just lost my job again and still unable to get accepted to a new one, I have so much on my shoulders rn – my pappa already run out of meds, we barely have food, bills are past due, rent is due and Idk where I would get money for all of these. Idk what to do anymore, where to go or who to beg. It feels like Im running in circles.
    Please pray for us.
    Help us, if you can. 🙏

  7. Love this reminder not to Judge Jesus by the people the that confess to know him. Get to know Jesus for yourself. man is flesh and blood and fall short of the glory of God daily. But Jesus forgives🙌🏽

  8. She did not represent Jesus Yeshua we all mess up but faith comes line upon line and we must love all people everywhere and we can in and with Our Lord master owner God is the potter and we are the clay Repenting daily today is the day of our salvation 🙏❤️🙂 watch and pray blessed is He who comes in the name of the. Shalom


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