Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke preaching part of his classic gospel message about Jesus and the Adulterous Woman. This message was preached at the Vero Beach Gospel Crusade in 2013. For more information about the ministry of Evangelists Daniel Kolenda and Reinhard Bonnke go to www.cfan.org.

Originally posted 2020-12-30 14:38:46. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. I was blessed to be part of his crusade in Sierra Leone. I love the fact that he teaches you to understand the principles of the gospel. Rest In Peace Evangelist Bonnie. Enjoy your rewards in the heavenly thrown.

  2. Let My FATHER GOD raise more & more pastors & Evangelists in this world 🌍 let the world come to my JESUS CHRIST let the World be saved in JESUS name let the heaven be full & let hell’s be empty
    Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏

  3. Powerful message. Empty hell and filled heaven. What amazing and glorious legacy . What a joyful he is with the Lord seeing Him face to face. .

  4. Great sermon!! Rest in Glory dear Reinhard 🌹🌹

    🔥🔥 Thank you Daniel Kolenda ! You and Reinhard Bonnke : like Elija and Elisha. Two great anointed men of GOD 🔥 🔥

  5. I saw him live in Port Elizabeth at the age of 10. I saw a lady in a wheelchair pushing it back to her seat. That is the day I never looked back. God is Almighty. He is my King.


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