Jeremy Anderson | BEST Youth Inspirational Speaker

Part 2 to Jeremy Anderson visiting one of the roughest highschools in Baltimore, MD to speak to and egage with students, letting …


  1. “You’re going to college. No doubt.” .. not everyone WANTS to go to college. Not everyone CAN go to college.
    Not everyone HAS to go to college. I never went and I make more yearly than people that went. A great work ethic will get you anywhere.

  2. Idk what to think I'm tried of life 😔 but sometimes Jeremy u speaking to me my father not in my life an someone in my family that I love dead an the way I act in class is bad but u kinda changed my life Jeremy I always wanted to commit suicide I mean I still wanna do it but sometimes idk what to do with my life an how to TRUN it around

  3. Thank you so much for this video. I have talked to my 2 kids and preached and they are good kids they just don't know how to apply them self. The male figure is not in their life but I ran across this video, and I'm gonna make sure they listen to you every morning before they go to school to help bring out that greatness in them.

  4. Special education doesn't mean you're stupid, or lesser than, it only means you need extra assistance, and it sounds like you did. We need to stop stigmatizing people needing help, especially with education. Your mother should've put you in special education as you could've learned that lesson easier. Her pride got in the way of your life. I don't like motivational shit because discipline is what gets things done but, that's unrelated.


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