Jack Cole's Final Note to Hugh Hefner || Docuseries-53 by Alex Grand

Jack Cole started in drawing for the Harry Chesler studio, the same one that Mac Raboy started in, drawing various comic books.


  1. Jack Cole's Plasticman run in Police Comics is one of my all time favorite comic book runs even though it came out decades before I was born.
    I always wish that Cole's life story could have been a happier one.

  2. jack Cole is pretty much my favorite artist it is so tragic that he took his life so sad but he left behind some very special art and he will live on in comic history awesome show Alex thanks

  3. Jack Cole also created the comic strip Betsy and Me, a masterpiece in the same class as Krazy Kat, Barnaby, King Aroo, Pogo and the like. Drawn in a simplified UPA cartoon style of sophistication .

  4. This wouldn't be a mystery at all if that second note written to his wife were entered into the police file. We know they deemed it too personal and private to release but did it at least get documented in the file? If so I would think a private investigator might be able to get to the truth and this 60+ year old mystery would be solved.


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