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  1. I watched this movie in 2020 during lockdown and I was sooo frustrated watching it. A Christian myself I watched it and couldn’t get over how dumb Vanessa was for just straight up ignoring very clear red flags. Not even just in him but in the relationship itself. If someone doesn’t know Christ for themself and doesn’t want to but is choosing to for you, that’s not a relationship you should pursue. The minute your relationship has issues, they’ll probably drop God QUICK. It’s not worth it

  2. Kennie would have a FIELD DAY with the latest season of Married at first sight and a man named Chris.. 💀 he married a stranger and told her he wasn't attracted to her the day after the wedding, yet continued to *sleep with her every night. Flash forward and he gets a call from his ex fiance that he broke up with 8 weeks prior!!! Saying that she's pregnant with his child!! Oh God and that's not even the half of it. Any girl who's a fixer should watch it and learn the ABCs of red flags

  3. As a Christian, I have long given up hoping for faith based movies with profound, captivating story-telling – especially since seeing a YouTube video (can't remember the creator's name) where most of the movies are allegedly written by pastors who have no interest in investing in hiring the right people who have the skill and talent to create something worth watching. It's simply a 90-120 minute sermon.

  4. I saw the Maggie Mae Fish review of this and I am psyched to see this review. After seeing all these movies pretend that hotness excuses abuse, or having money excuses abuse, or basically any kind of contrived circumstances excuse abuse, it's time to see a movie pretend that being religious excuses abuse!

    Pureflix is basically Passionflix only that the only person who gets a sexual favor is God.

  5. Raised catholic and went to Sunday school, private school, and youth group. This movie is just embarrassing to watch, thank god for my ADD and GAD that i would get so bored that I’d dissociate during church 😅 can’t get catholic guilt if you’ve mentally checked out 😂

  6. I can break down why Christian media is a mess. the whole 'good book' is a mess. I'm gonna SHORTEN that drastically by pointing out that the first time god tells mary she's gonna birth the messiah…BITCH SAYS NO!!!!. and we all know how THAT went. So the same book that makes a big deal out of free will…left that gaping plot hole in the most IMPORTANT chunk of the story. It wasn't the first time either. You may want to look at the ACTUAL origin of the statement 'It is better to spill your seed in the belly of a whore than on the ground'. The short version is that sex outside of marriage is evil…but god got to tell you who you were ALLOWED to breed by…and 'no' is not a valid option. the more extended version had nothing to do with masturbation, but killed off all but one man in a family line, AFTER they all boned the same woman. Yeah. Think about that for a bit.

  7. This movie would have made so much more sense if he became a preacher because he saw how much money the other preacher was making. He doesn’t become religious because he met a pretty girl at church, but starts faking it because he realizes being a preacher is just as lucrative but more safe than being a drug dealer.

  8. As a pansexual woman who grew up in Roman Catholicism all I can say is hell no. They always “know” that god is good and makes miracles happen but when something bad happens they say “god works in mysterious ways”. That’s really interesting how you can go from knowing exactly what god is responsible for and then suddenly say you don’t know what he does or why he does it. The thing that absolutely irks me the most is always the double standards/logical fallacies. Your principles should stay consistent. It’s really not that hard if you’re being honest with yourself instead of clinging to every possible positive thing you have ever heard about your god because you’re scared to face the fact that you don’t have any control over a lot of what happens in life and that sometimes bad things happen to good people. Ugh

  9. Why is it always one person "fixing" or "bettering" the other and not 2 people growing together and "bettering" eachother?? Ya know like healthy adult relationships!!! Just a thought!!

  10. Damn, I totally see why you resisted doing this movie for so long. You were insightful and hilarious as always, but I’m sorry that this material was obviously a lot for you. As another religiously traumatized (not all religious people are) person, I really appreciate you talking about it ❤

  11. Girl, do what you got to do! If you wanna do Passion Flix space that ish out, and then continue to discuss. your religious trauma-we wanna hear your insight/thoughts/feelings. You're not only funny, but you're witty, smart, and insightful. I personally would like to know your thoughts on waiting until marriage.
    Like, "Married at First Sight", at least the season I saw/watched, had a lady who's whole thing was about her virginity and saving herself for marriage. I'm sure the show runners/producers were largely responsible for her portrayal, but it still seems like she is yet another unfortunate hostage to a believe that your virginity is a prized possession that make women good people, and their only saving grace is gaining a ring to replace their loss.

  12. If you haven't, you should watch Christian Mingle. I'm new to the channel, but it's almost a watchable movie. It has a plot and about a centimeter of character growth, which is more than I can say about most Christian movies.


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