Kindly watch this Gospel Movie “IYAWO AFESONA [ESPOUSED WIFE]” From the stable of Divine Inspiration Drama Ministry …


  1. The message of this movie serves as reminder to all the believers in this end-time generations of the world. It is as well liken to the kingdom messages of IGBALA-IKEHIN reminding all humanity in this end-time generations and inculcating the fear of God in the hearts of all to prepare all believers on earth for RAPTURE.

  2. This message is also liken to the present occurrence on the planet earth concerning the kingdom ministry of IGBALA-IKEHIN knows as OGO who is Jesus and the kingdom of anti-christ(corruption kingdom knows Jonah who is the devil) while all humanity are in between them where the middle man is the Holy Spirit. My prayer is that, the plan of Almighty God only will come to pass over all flesh as His glorious church as we all remain rapturable in Christ alone

  3. God is not slack concerning his promises as some men count slackness. But is long-suffering to us ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to the knowledge of truth. Thank You Lord Jesus Christ!

  4. This is full of messages, the first shall be the last, as a Christian you must be watchful of whom you make friends with so not to distract you. So many I cannot be mention. God bless this ministry mightly to reach out to more souls in Jesus mighty name.

  5. This ministration is so powerful ma.I watched it some weeks ago and I still want to download it because the message is so touching ma.However I could not.Pls can you enable us to download it ma.
    I will be very glad to have it downloadable ma
    More blessings on your ministry ma in Jesus'name.Amen

  6. What a message, may God keep on pouring His grace upon us all to remain the wise virgins before that day comes and catches us slumbering. May God keep on providing for this ministry to keep on awakening us in Jesus name.amen


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