The evening of her twin daughters’ 16th birthday, Julie Brittain went to sleep not knowing she would die. It took a miracle and the …


  1. Please pray for my brother. He has cirrhosis of the liver which has affected his brain, causing dementia. He needs a miracle for reversal of all that damage. For his own safety he’s been admitted to a memory care home and he doesn’t know why he’s there. My sister in law is heart broken

  2. Yes, its been 1Y 9 M and i am not healed from a minor wrist surgery that caused enough pain I had to resign from my nursing job. No doctors/ surgeons have answers or seen to know how or want to help me. The only hope I have is God- a miracle.

  3. I was healed immediately after watching this video and participating in the prayer afterwards. I had not been able to do much with my left shoulder in the past 6 months. All I felt was incredible pain. After agreeing in prayer and touching my left shoulder during the prayer, I felt the pain move and I was healed. I screamed and started praising Yahweh. I was immediately able to move my left arm because there was no pain in my left shoulder. GLORY to Abba! I am healed!


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