1. This is my testimony everyone:
    I got half a million projects on Monday after joining the Jehovah's jirahh Sunday Service last week. This is the first time in my life I was being asked if I want to get paid completely or want it bit by bit. I am a software developer and
    I have been trusting God for a financial increase, opportunities and he showed me mercy…

    This is my first ever testimony as well, I have always been scared to share testimonies but my mindset has changed and I've learned a lot.

    Please Koinonia family celebrate πŸ₯‚ with me and surely your blessings will never pass you by. Truly Jehovah's jirahh is the God that provides..

    I will never leave Koinonia and I pray we'll have a branch in Lagos Nigeria soon Amen

  2. Heavenly Father, I pray that You will bring my future husband and I together in the covenant of marriage from You this year for the glory of Your name. In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, I ask, Amen.

  3. I pray that the prophecy spoken over my life on financial breakthrough is coming to pass in jesus name . I am getting the job I have applied in a reinsurance company and getting environmental consultancies in Jesus name. I only believe in things consistent with the word of God

  4. It is best to listen to this message over and over until you become every part of it ….

    Each time you listen you will discover lots of new things you did not grab when you first listen ..

    This message is such a huge eye opener and deliverance for many

  5. 1 Corinthians 11:3
    [3]But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.
    Father, I pray that You will grant me with a marriage from You with the man You have prepared for me for the glory of Your name. In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, I ask, Amen.

  6. Lord I thank you for all you have done and all you are to do in my life in jesus name . I amThankful .I am blessed for for removing shame from my life . Thank you for taking me to another level soon in Jesus name . Goodness and mercy will follow me in jesus name . Favour is my portion in Jesus name

  7. We are the righteous and it shall be well with us In Jesus Name

    Step into a season of strange Favour
    Men will Favour
    Favour begin to happen in your life
    Favour in the Morning, Afternoon and Evening

    You are not disappointed
    Your are not Frustrated
    Your are not embarrassed
    You will not be put to shame

    Your are blessed and You enjoy increase in all areas of your life

    Whoever curse you is cursed, whoever blesses you is blessed

    You are light. You light shines brighter like never before

  8. Hello Koinonia Global, why have you stopped uploading messages on Podcasts? Last podcast was on 21st December, 2024.
    Some of us tune in to it and listen all week through. Please consider us πŸ™πŸΌ

  9. I had an encounter yesterday with God's word. Papa spoke about keys to success and strategic relationships, i followed his instructions to send a text message of thanks giving, to those who have helped me, and those who I have offended. I did it and at the I realised that I have hurt those who volunteered to lift me up to my next level. I'm glad I did. Thank you Jesus

  10. Everytime i listen to Apostle I feel brand new and it's exactly what i needed to hear,oh Apostle i blessed God for connecting me with you this was truly a devine connection, with your teaching the transformation is visible, The was a time when i was in deep trouble and i remember listening to one if your teachings it was my first time to trust God completely with every fibre of my being and truly i had no one to turn to but only God and God came through for me since then i have learn to trust God with everything,kuningi I'll stop here


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