Ex-New Ager Melissa Dougherty joins me to discuss certain New Age ideas that are being marketed to the church as “Christian.


  1. 36:00 this is a very low-level understanding of oneness. See John 17:11 " Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one" You need to read Meister Eckhart, Theresa of Avila, St Francis, St John of the Cross, as you do not understand mysticism at all. Pitiful job here.

  2. Be careful with the Unity idea. Satan does twist that but Jesus perfects it. Jesus calls us to be as ONE. YES WE DISCERN AND MAKE SURE THEIR IDEOLOGY NEEDS TO BE BIBLICALLY SOUND. JESUS EVEN PRAYED FOR IT. EVERYONE WANTS TO DISMISS WHAT SATAN WANTS TO COUNTERFEIT. REMEMBER SATAN TRIES TO MIMIC GOD. THIS IS WHERE DISCERNMENT IS NEEDED. Satan uses GOD' S WORD to trick people. Do we stop reading the Bible???? Oneness is different in Christ.. I understand to a point but again be careful. You could lead people astray. Then Faith. Of course Satan tricks us with Faith and prosperity messages but GOD COMMANDS US TO WALK BY FAITH. Funny, i can explain most of this is less time, not that i am anything. It is all Holy Spirit. To many dismissing the True Power of God. No not everyone goes to Heaven, yes there is wrath and Hell. Judgement is important. Correction must be accepted from God for Growth but again, Jesus spoke on BEING ONE. Satan is just corrupting this message. Pray and seek guidance.


  4. How then do you explain your testimony??? That is experience. Muslims are coming to Christ from a dream or experience from Christ. Again, satan trying ti destroy the True message. God dies speak today. He hasn't changed. He will warn against sin as He did before. Yes, people can be used against that Word. Do not dismiss God speaking and moving. That dismisses His Power. Again, HOLY SPIRIT DISCERNMENT. OF COURSE JESUS IS ENOUGH BUT COMMUNING WITH HIM IS A 2 WAY STREET. WE HAVE EARS TO HEAR, EYES TO SEE AND HEARTS TO RECEIVE FOR A REASON. I AM SORRY IF YOU HAD BAD EXPERIENCES WITH THESE THINGS. I HAVE TOO BUT AGAIN, SATAN CAN COME AS AN ANGEL OF LIGHT TO DECEIVE. WITHOUT THE LEADING OF HOLY SPIRIT, HOW ELSE DO YOU EXPECT TO KNOW YOU GET THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE BIBLE. How else does satan trick People with the Word of God. His Bible, because we don't seek truth by Holy Spirit. You are missing it. See if you respond. Most don't. So many say they teach but don't because you need to listen to others and respond. Interaction.

  5. It's worse, even the worldly profession of psychology and the so called subconscious mind a theory of Freuds is a part of new age and new thought. Psychology says that your underlying beliefs in yr unconcious mind is the reason you sinned in the first place. Psychology believes that everything negative in yr life stems from untrue beliefs within yr subconscious mind controlling yr behaviour and u need to find out and sort out your beliefs so that u can live the way u want to without hurting yrself (sin). It all stems from childhood and accumulated beliefs in yr sub concious mind it's not sin it's not disobedience or fault of yr own NO it's all beliefs in yr unconcious mind driving yr behaviour. The theory of the sub or unconcious mind is still thrown around today by everyone asif it is fact.

  6. The idea of all humanity being saved beforehand by God, apart from an individual's choice, is heresy. But a select portion of humanity being saved beforehand by God, apart from an individual's choice, is Calvinism.

  7. So glad I found your channel. I grew up in a Pentecostal church and non denominational churches. I still believe many things taught to me but some things I've called into question. It is good to hear people give better clarity to what I've been reading in the Word. I still do believe Christians should not shy away from wealth creation, but prayer should be all about getting to know our Creator, not what He can do for us. I have come to what I believe is a pretty solid understanding of what our view of wealth should be. That also falls in line with other teachings like healing. I think I'm right, but as always, I'm teachable. Thanks for starting this channel.

  8. Thank you so much for this conversation. I see “new thought” ideas coming into the church through enneagrams, MLMs, and life coaches. Many Christian women get duped into embracing these “harmless and helpful” things. I’ve seen them subsequently deconstruct their faith, try to manifest financial freedom and success, and believe they are now divine.

  9. It is so needed to bring to light what the perversion of this age is . Thank you for your work. I must also add there is much more to the new age mysticism, and for those who are like me, you will be deceived by the new age if you are guided by how you feel . There’s a lot of demons who’s jobs are to entice you and give you pleasure ( very similar to feeling gods loving presence ) And it will feel like God . Do not fall for this . I’ve done it all and have come back to Jesus. Believe the word of God , it will save you !!! Don’t get caught in nuances ! These women bring wisdom ! Don’t be quick in adopting “revelation “ always come to holy spirit . Be Christian for Him and who he is . Be In love with Jesus, not with the YOUniverse . Shalom !

  10. There seems to be a sudden RISE of Youtube videos about:
    1. REINCARNATION and also
    2. NEAR-DEATH Experiences (which are getting more bizarre and outlandish in their testimonies than when Raymond Moody wrote "Life After Life" in 1975, i think. see Christian Sundbergs testimony on Melissa's "Love Covered Life" Youtube channel. Lots of stuff on Near-Death, Reincarnations and Universalism theology. Not Biblical.
    Here's some thoughts I want to share about reincarnation and speculation about existence in "the spiritworld" or afterlife.

    Reincarnation, eh? How do they know if that's true? Hebrews 9:27 is cited as passage against reincarnation.
    If people say:
    "Life is a school and we are here to learn"
    Reply: Learning is good. So-o, why not let us have Lifespans of say, 4000yrs and age much much slower? Think of all we could learn. Or, if they say: "You have to keep coming back to work out your Karma."
    Reply: but, the ULTIMATE Goal, is to get it all worked out and at last, BE with God (or, most re-incarnationists believe, MERGE or become One with him).
    IF we remembered our past lives, yes it might bum us out but at least we'd know where we screwed up.
    Then, we could work out karma FASTER. Then, we could get to God sooner.
    Since that's the ultimate goal anyway, but we don't remember, we seem to have a serious flaw in the system, here.

    Speaking of learning here on earth– suppose that you become a great Chemist, Surgeon, Engineer, Telecommunications executive, discover advanced Farming techniques and help feed the world. So what??
    Will we need surgeries in Heaven or the spirit world? Will we need Bridges? Houses? Drugs?
    or Protein bars/Tomatoes/Corn/Steaks? Blankets? An Alarm clock? Water?
    FM radios? Aspirin? Airplanes? No?
    So what good was learning? Are we supposed to learn "spiritual stuff" instead? Like what spiritual stuff?
    What for? How do they know even that? So, what good was Reincarnation? What will they say now? …and now, for the addition/update, below.

    New thing #1.
    -When you finally get done reincarnating (i don't believe we do), and you get to Heaven, or Nirvana, Union with God,,,what is Heaven like? Is there pain? No. Sickness? No. Hmmmm. Let's expand that. What if besides no pain, there is also no physical pleasure, like sex?

    What if Life in "the Spirit World" is sorta like a pot of water on the stove at a very low simmer, barely warm enough to detect warmth, or tipid? Because, what if there isn't any FEELING in the spirit-world or Afterlife..no hunger, no feeling hot or cold, no tiredness….just a sort of eternal Neutralness?

    and maybe that is Hell and earthly Life is what is really desired and folks want to get out of their spirit-body as soon as they can so they can be physical and FEEL things? Even sometimes unpleasant things, rather than to have an eternity "being set at zero" or nothingness? I have no proof that any of that is the case. Just a wild idea. But that might explain "a reason for" coming back– to keep getting more experiences. But again, i don't know that. and then–

    new thing #2. – Suppose you make it to heaven. You've arrived! No Hell for you. "Well done, thy good and faithful servant!" But then–
    how much "free time" will you, personally, have in Heaven? Or will you have a schedule of tasks that God assigns you?
    I dont know. Suppose he "rewards" you by letting you have your own new Planet to rule over and be God of that planet? Ughhhh…do you really want that? I don't.
    To babysit or even watch-over some new batch of sinners somewhere else and keep track of who is a sinner and who isnt and who will make it to Heaven (from there), or not?

    What if that job seems boring and tedious and you don't want it and would rather hang out at the cosmic spirit-Beach? What good is a spiritual reward if it isn't Joyful?

    So how much free time will you have?
    Do people in a spirit body ever need sleep? Imagine– being "on" 24hrs. a day…no night-time (would you miss it?)…7 days without sleep…always daytime….never taking a nap……seems like we'd want more variety…..fascinating to consider. and why hasn't God the Father, himself, (not Jesus) ever taken physical form? Who knows? Maybe this can spur you on to making a new video. . . thanks for reading this.

  11. I heard you mention Wayne Grudem. Just be aware that he signed the Prophetic Standards Statement a couple of years ago, which essentially says that sometimes God's messages to modern day 'prophets' is wrong. This of course, is heresy. So yes, Grudem might be solid on some things, but be very careful of him.
    I spent 50 years in the pentecostal/chrismatic realm, and I can tell you from experience, their teachings can be very dangerous.

  12. Jesus prayed for all His Disciples that we would be "One". Acts 17 says that "In Him do we live and move and have our Being". The church Fathers comprised of either Theologians or Mystics. Theology is the study of a formula of beliefs and the structures. A Theologian studies Scripture and tries to make sense of God. A Mystic is one who Seeks Union with God thru Surrender. Theology is about head knowledge and intellectualism. Mysticism is about having a Direct Personal Experience with God. God Is Bigger than Religion or Holy Books. Our puny limited minds cannot even begin to comprehend "God". One doesn't need a religion to find God. I left christianity because it still left me empty and dry and I looked into other Religions like Islam and I still couldn't find God. I lost my old Religion and my beliefs but in The Process I found God. The Evidence of God in a man or womans Life is a changed Life despite which Religion or Creed one follows. God Is Love therefore God cannot be hate!

  13. Christians can argue, till the cows come home & give Chocolate Milk, straight from their bodies ! BUT, Books full of Scripture, (Rightly Divided ) Can't be successfully refuted , & don't impress God .Some professing Christians on You Tube, keep arguing, that " Word of Faith " teaches " New Age " or New Thought , No , it's N E W – T E S T A M E N T – !

    but, instead of trying " Guilt By Association " , tactics, they ought to realize, that Similarity between some Cult Teachings , to Word of Faith Teachings , happens , because , Satanic " Angel of Light " teachings , are Counterfeits of the – R E A L – , Scriptural , Written in Scripture , Commands and Promises of God

    . So, with Counterfeit Doctrines , OF – C O U R S E – there are going to be Similarities .with rightly divided Scriptures . That's what Professional Counterfeits are , their made to look like the real thing !

    If these people would only take a Sincere look ,at the book G O D ' S – P L A N – F O R
    M A N ( 33 Thousand Scriptures , backing what's taught , ) they'd see , that God is not impressed, with mere religious theories, most of the time, including little or no rightly divided Scriptures, backing up their claims .

  14. It's interesting that when I was in a charismatic church, two of the biggest proponents of New Apostolic teaching, Mike Bickle and Rick Joyner and Morning Star. I read a lot on the prophetic gift from them, but one of the things that got me thinking about some of the lies that they teach is that they say that experience and prophetic dreams and visions were higher revelation than scripture. They talked about new revelation above the word of God. I've learned a lot from Melissa, especially about Bethel church in California, Bob Jones and the new apostolic movement.

  15. I just love you precious ladies… and Doreen too💜💕

    You all have helped me understand so much!
    I praise the LORD FOR YOU all too.
    Melissa your just adorable and amazing!! So are you precious Alisa 💜

  16. not to be a barer of bad news , but why does the bible say women should be teachers in the church ? but only to young women the children and pray and prophecy ….. but yet, we still do it . i get it to use our plat forms to tell testimonies and how he has worked miricales in our lives and just tell our stories . but why do we still preach in church when the bible says thats a mans job?

  17. I really appreciated this talk. Thank you both!
    Near the end you spoke about the woman who wrote in her book about sinking lower into "knowing" that she called "liquid gold," I just had to laugh. Why you ask? I've been learning a lot more about gardening and in that context, liquid gold is … urine. So if I trade that with her analogy, she's sinking deeper and deeper until she reaches urine. Hmmm, I think that puts it into context. You can't rely on feelings/bodily experiences to measure truth with.
    I just thought I'd add that little thought since I was chuckling away at her idea. I hope you get a bit of a laugh out of it too. And I do hope that the woman who wrote that book you referred to will eventually reach the point of really coming to the Truth.
    God bless you in your ministry!

  18. Jesus tells us about our oneness. If you leave out anyone from this, it's your judgement instead of love and forgiveness that does that.
    20 “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who [j]will believe in Me through their word; 21 that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. 22 And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: 23 I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.

  19. Oh wow, I had fallen so deeply for this oneness ideology and non-judgemental acceptance of everything, religious pluralism and Christian universalism and I was convinced I was a Christian, that makes it so warped… until Jesus grabbed my heart and changed me. I wouldn't have been able to debunk these lies without the holy spirit. It just sounded so so true. It's warped. I recently came across Keith Green's testimony and I realised it's all been here before, the same old lies are being recycled again and again, there's nothing new under the sun. I really appreciate you Alisa and Melissa.

  20. It’s a form of trying or thinking to be God. Only God speaks things into existence. God created by speaking. “…and God said…”. This is dangerous as it is putting yourself into anti (in the place of) Christ.

  21. If you have one book and one messenger or one time period of creationism, then all your life is about defending that idea. Worse part is, you can become fanatic in the course of defending your truth faith and can lead to outright wars about my truth and your truth fights as you see in past and todays world.

    God is Ununderstandable unseen unknown unheard and has so much power that he can do what ever he wants. He is so unrestrained that he can take any form he wants, be it idol, be it book, be it a tree or an animal or stars or planets or even formless. You cannot limit his power by saying that he is only from this book or this idol or this messenger as he has ability to do whatever he wants. God can be with form or without form and can come anytime as notion of time is irrelevant as he is the beginning and end of time, reside in any material or reside in all things simultaneously (concept of union in yoga and moksha). God doesnt care about your fights about truth of your format that you believe or seek out to reach him. And if you think god revealed in one book to put restriction on himself to be inside one book and one time period for ever, thats like saying god took of his own powers and wants you to know that he is handicapped to ever reveal in any other format in future or past. This is core of Indian civilizational philosophy. This is nothing new age philosophy as this thought is as old as indian civilization itself which is now dated before to 12000BC (surya siddhantha – ancient sanskrit text on astronomical observations before last ice age)

  22. I know I'll get some haters here, but the new Bible translations lead to this very thing. Gail Riplinger in her book New Age Bible Versions shows how the new translations change the words or include terms such as The One instead of Jesus etc. But don't believe me please check out her video on youtube called New Age Bible Versions or read her book of the same name. I would recommend her other book Hazardous Materials which shows proof that most of the new translations were created by men who were into Hinduism, Yoga, evolution, magic, etc. Satan's greatest secret is attacking God's word. These very men wrote in their documents their goal was to change Christianity into something else.


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