T.D. Jakes OFFICIALLY ARRESTED After His Son Confirms The Rumors!? Per a Dallas police reports, the son of T.D. Jakes, the …


  1. True or not, no one is perfect and we all go through things that look bad, because some are made out to look bad. Truth be told everyone has there own beliefs and he's still a human either way. After the issue or experience I can assure he as a man is still saved, blessed, and highly favored. The blasphemy should stop. He shall be forgiven either way, because it is he who has to go through judgment and not by the world, but by the angels sent down from Heaven in my opinion. To spread and teach the works that's unseen and seen. Lean not into your own understanding so you won't understand completely either way. Prayers for Td Jakes…only my opinion

  2. Do y’all feel like y’all have to come for the head of a pastor you have no credible information that goes against the pastor. He will be a pastor and always be a pastor and he has the power of God so you better watch what type of language moving mouth twitchingdisturbance in these airways towards anyone that he loves and cares for watch your mouth cause God don’t like it

  3. What's wrong with some Christians is that ..we have OUR OWN CROSS TO CARRY … when was the last time you orayed for someone in the headlines??? The judgement is petty…THIS SYSTEM is harassing black string leaders n if you can't vsee the humiliation schemes then just pray n sthu being a puppet…USE DISCERNMENT

  4. Click bait!!! Im so gladyour comment caught my eye b4 I started watching this video ,so now I wl NOT BE WATCHING IT!! THX, MAY GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY… 😇👐🏾🙏🏾🧚🏾‍♀️

  5. The fall of Christianity will be the awakening of the black race. We have been blinded for too long!! Christianity is a tool of oppression!! Those who brought it to us KNEW what they were doing. It’s kept us bound for too long. You need to leave now because it’s just going to get worse.


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