Is Movies/Entertainment a Good Career Path for Christian Youth? – feat. Scotty Mayer | Truth Matters

Is movies/entertainment a good career path for Christian young people? How can you use your skills and talents for Christ through …


  1. Hollywood's allure is the validation youth seek out of ignorance of their value in Christ. Satan knows this all too well and blinds parents to the need for their children to find their worth in Christ.

  2. Even if Hollywood was moral/"moral" With modern day computers cameras and the internet it makes no sense to still look for old "brick and mortar" production sets.

  3. After watching the full version of this a week ago, one statement changed my entire perspective, Satan has a church, and it's open 24-7, his messages are always bad and now I look at the TV remote as the key to church of Satan, wow thankyou.

  4. In many a times when we think we have became success, we tend to be deluded. And because of this delusion, we found ourseles empty which leads us directly into the hand of Lucifer, the Satan… Imagining ourselves as gods…

  5. When I was young I always believed there was a God I just ignored Him. But even as a child I very much disliked the catholic Church. I thought it was evil for a Priest to tell a person that he forgave their sins because even as a child I knew only God could forgive sins. That Priest put his pants on just like I did and I thought they were evil.

  6. How bout no explanation about anything when growing up. Things just happened in my family and you dealt with it as best as you could. Unfortunately there was too much left unsaid and the process of the lesson because more painful.
    Two of my brothers ended in prison for most their 20s, the other two became distant with the family. My baby sister was someone I never knew because she disappeared and didn't know where she was for years.

  7. SDA Church must pay the talented dedicated individuals and not just the Pastors. Look at our brothers the Jews. They pay their Hazzan/Cantors, talented musicians to serve in their Synagogues and Congregations. Sunday Churches have paid musicians who are serious about their ministry. Musicians in SDA Churches are expected to give their services for free. That isn't even Biblical.

  8. The SDA church has several bad habits regarding its creatives:
    1) Not appreciating or supporting them, whether it’s shaming them for being interested in the arts, wanting them only to work for free with a parsimony that would make the Jews blush, and even facilitating the idea that there is no place for creatives in the church.
    2) they have a lot of “and this is why [insert entertainment industry current thing] is bad and you should not participate. In most cases I agree and enjoy a lot of this content because the reasoning is good. However, they sweep the house empty and don’t actually make movies, games, music etc to replace what was gotten rid of. The effect is watching my denomination act like armchair coaches saying what others shouldn’t have done but not going out onto the field themselves.
    3)They assume that just because someone has found success in any of these fields, that they are not sincere followers of Christ. It is possible that 100% of everyone who has found success in entertainment is insincere or compromising in their moral beliefs, but just as possible that there are many failed screenwriters, musicians, and other creatives who are jealous.

  9. My opinion is, there are a lot of bored members in our denomination, and others as well, and that's how and why the devil gets them. Either via the world, or right in the church. Don't kid yourselves; they want to entertain and be entertained. And the devil is more than happy to give them that and have them believe it's God that's behind it. Those who claim to have left the entertainment world, in many cases deep down still want the stage. Again, the devil just gives them a religious one. I've witnessed this repeatedly. In contrast, those who've turned back to God after decades in Babylon, and eating that worldly buffet, and being entertained to death, have no desire whatsoever to be center stage. Rather, they're content to now serve God quietly and humbly. And witness for Him in like manner. Those who want to entertain and be entertained are deceiving themselves about their true spiritual condition. These are also those who love foreign missions, but do nothing about the enormous mission fields and needs all around them here in the U.S. In their minds it's more exciting to go to a far-flung destination. Yes, I've witnessed this too. Here again is another example of boredom. Both scenarios are not of God. "Satan's throne" exists in churches, just as in the world… just more carefully disguised.
    As for trying to tell people not to leave the faith because they may never return, then they weren't faithful to begin with. As said, one foot in, the other out is something God doesn't want, doesn't accept. He "spews" them out of His mouth. Go, and don't return until you're ALL IN. God's instructions, and mine.

  10. It's amazing the effect Hollywood has had on people's minds. There are people who actually believe that zombies and vampires and werewolves and ghosts exist. And they believe the world will end by a comet or nuclear war or a super volcano. But the Bible makes it clear that the world will end by the Second Coming of Jesus. Hollywood has been very instrumental in destroying the morals of even the churches. And Hollywood has taught the world a false concept of the antichrist. Hollywood has been one of the most influential tools of the devil.

  11. It's always a good thing to Aspire to be a storyteller to create whatever you can dream of to create big worlds with interesting characters and explore their lives in diverse ways I believe Humanity's traits of creating stories the reflects God more than anything else. But unfortunately the Christian landscape has made that impossible there are morons out there that are stupidly condemning The Chronicles of Narnia cough cough Eric Wilson cough cough so that's why I'm not going to label anything I write Christian to avoid you the retardation of the Modern Christian Community…


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