This video is a re-upload I did awhile back. I’m trying to get a message out, especially in light of the news that there are Chinese …


  1. COMMENT(S) SECTION DISCLAIMER: I will not tolerate hateful and condescending comments. I will not allow comments that are divisive among the brethren. I will not tolerate strange teachings of the Bible. You have your own channel and you are free to say whatever you want from there. I have the right to remove any comment that I feel necessary to remove. I will block anyone who tries to argue and stir up strife and for any reason deemed necessary. I will never approach you in my comments section to ask you for money, or give you a WhatsApp number, or ask you to support an orphanage, or give you an email address that is asking you to email me alleging that I have something to say. If I have anything to say, I will say it from the video or from the post from my community page. The people that do these things are scammers. If you were to go to their channel, you would more than likely see they have zero (0) subscribers. I humbly ask that you would report the channel that is impersonating our channel. And if someone is impersonating my channel happens to approach you on someone else’s channel with the same requests, that is NOT me as well. We also do not support people’s comments that say God has blessed them from any monetary investments they have made. These people are scammers as well. And if you should see triple xxx porn comments, they will be blocked and removed as soon as I see it. Thank you so much for understanding the times in which we are living. God bless you and Maranatha.


    Has it ever crossed your mind during the past few months if the seven-year tribulation has already begun? I know that it hasn't yet started because Scripture says that we will be with the Lord before the antichrist establishes a covenant with Israel that starts the clock ticking for this time of God's wrath (Dan. 9:27; 2 Thess. 2:3-8).

    Although the tribulation has not yet started, we see the beginning of conditions we know will be much worse during this seven-year period. I believe this is God's way of getting the attention of the world before His judgments begin. He's also assuring us that His appearing is imminent and we will soon be with Him in heaven and the place He is now preparing for us.

    What Is coming?!!!!!….

    The Sunday Express reported Israeli concerns that Iran was now β€œjust weeks away” from enriching its uranium stockpile to 90 percent, the level where a small enough quantity can feasibly be fitted into a nuclear warhead and attached to a missile.

    An increase in Iranian-sponsored activity in Judea and Samaria, which includes the West Bank, is causing concern in Tel Aviv, which fears Iran is trying to spark a civil war.

    β€œIsrael is preparing for war. Senior IDF officials believe it will happen before summer.”


    With the number of terror attacks increasing in intensity and frequency and with Isreal striking back the fuse has been lit! The terror attacks are just a warm up to the war of Biblical propotions that is just around the corner! Hezbollah praised the synagogue attack in Jerusalem! Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) have threatened a large-scale and imminent explosion of violence.

    Pastor Jimmy Evans along with Bill Salus lays out what is prophetically lined up just around the corner. Here are the key points:
    "1. Iran is on the verge of a nuclear bomb, if they already don't possess one, because of which Netanyahu is going to preemptive a strike on Iran's nuclear facilities (bushehr nuclear power plant) which will bring about the fullfilment of Jeremiah 49. This in turn will induce Iran to activate it's proxies of Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, the Islamic Jihad and Fatah via the 'Ring Of Fire' as prophesied in Psalm 83!

    2. The barrage of rocketfire will be so powerful from Iran's proxies that the IDF lashes out and destroyes a city overnight that will bring about the fullfilment of the destruction of Damascus as prophesied in Isaiah 17!

    3. Israel conducted a massive drill in May of 2022. The IDF have allocated 5 billion dollars to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities!

    4. Iran has a hypersonic missile that can reach Israel in 6.66 seconds!

    5. Israel to change the status quo on the Temple Mount in 2023 that will lead to the Psalm 83 war!

    6. The Antichrist is going to take the world stage after the Psalm 83 War!

    7. With the new Benjamin Netanyahu administration coming into the new year we can see the biblical war just around the corner!"

    Psalm 83 War speaks of a great war that will be launched against Israel by its neighboring countries or surrounding neighbors. These are the nations who want to annihilate or wipe out Israel from the Middle East. It is written in Psalm 83:4;

    "Come," they say, "let us destroy them as a nation, so that Israel's name is remembered no more."

    Verse 5 says, "with one mind they plot together, they form an alliance against you."

    It is written in Psalm 83:3,
    "They have taken crafty counsel against thy people and consulted against thy hidden ones."

    Chuck Missler, one of the best prophecy expositor whom I respect much speculates "hidden ones" refer to the "raptured saints" or believers in Christ who are caught up! This speculation is done by Missler after close examination of the Scripture. This is an implication that Harpazo will happen before Psalm 83 war if Chuck Missler is correct in his speculation.

    Ben-Gvir has warned that it's just a matter of time till war breaks out! Palestinian analysts and politicians unanimously agreed that the escalation in the Palestinian territories signifies a worse situation in the coming days, warning of Israeli Occupation plans and provocative practices against Al Aqsa Mosque in the holy month of Ramadan which falls on March 22 – Apr 21, 2023!

    In a statement to Qatar News Agency (QNA), Palestinian writer and political analyst, Mustafa Ibrahim, said that the worst is yet to come, and the repercussions will be more dangerous in the coming days, in light of Ben Gvir's warning of Operation 'Guardian of the Walls 2'.

    He stressed that the real escalation will be against Al Aqsa Mosque, especially in the holy month of Ramadan, which coincides with some Jewish rituals and religious holidays. Passover falls on April 5 – April 13, 2023!

    A major war in the Middle EastΒ is inevitably coming anyday now and when it finally arrives the death and destruction it will cause will stun the entire planet!

    Over the next few days, the eyes of the world will be on Jerusalem, and one false move would spark the war of Biblical propotions!

    I believe that the Al Aqsa mosque will be destroyed during this war! The world is in an uproar as the center of the Middle East lays in ashes. Step in theΒ Antichrist. The Bible tells us he comes in as a man on a white horse β€” he is a miracle worker of diplomacy and the man everyone will look to for answers. The treaty of Daniel 9:27 is signed, and the signing of the treaty starts the Tribulation Period. I believe that as a part of the Daniel 9:27 treaty, the Jews to allowed to build the 3rd Temple! Watch Israel, watch the skies, our redemption draweth nigh!


    β€’ THE ABRAHAMIC HOUSE OPENING – Effectuate a One World Religion, Abrahamic House (Revelation 13:8)!

    β€’ GLOBAL CBDC LAUNCH – A one world currency (Revelation 13:16-18)!
    With the globe already sinking into aΒ  recession and record inflation, a global stock market crash is inevitable and imminent that will cause all the governments worldwide to enforce CBDC's that will be the ultimate measure of control! Remember that the global CBDC piloting ends in February and they are already plans readied to roll the CBDC's (TRACKABLE PROGRAMABLE CURRENCY) out in May 2023!

    Globalist billionaire Gates warned of a β€˜more brutal’ pandemic than covid is just around the corner!

    During the Business 20 (B20) panel held ahead of the G20 summit, Indonesia’s Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin made the same recommendation inΒ even starker terms: β€œLet’s have a digital health certificate acknowledged by WHO β€” if you have been vaccinated or tested properly, then you can move around.” In aΒ 132-page documentΒ that contains a series of recommendations for the G20, the B20 urged the widespread adoption of digital Covid-19 certificates that would be part of a β€œtechnology-enabled β€˜always-on’ global health infrastructure”.

    Sadikin added that G20 countries have agreed to the proposal and now plan to introduce it as a revision to the IHR framework at the next World Health Assembly, scheduled for May 2023 in Geneva. The idea is that the WHO should be given legally binding powers to implement such measures in the future. This is an attempt to revamp the WHO’s so-calledΒ international pandemic treatyΒ β€” an effort to give itΒ sweeping powersΒ to dictate public health measures to countries with the full backing of international law, potentially overriding their national sovereignty.

    The purpose of Covid and the jab is to collapse currencies and replace them with Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) so people can be tracked and controlled.

    Luke 21:28
    And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

    The Psalm 83 War, Jeremiah 49 and Isaiah 17 Is On The Cusp – The Ezekiel 38 Alliance Is Set Up – A call for a 2-State Solution – The Abrahamic Accords Are Expanding – UN Food Chief Says 'Hell On Earth' Looms From a Hunger Crisis – Creation Is Groaning – Monkeypox and Coronavirus Pestilences – β€œSorceries” isΒ pharmakeia – Global Vaccine Mandates – Kids Are Being jabbed – The Great Reset – Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) are being readied – More Lockdowns Are Coming To Control The Expected Violence That Will Result From An Economic Collapse – Global Digital ID With Real-Time Tracking Of Everyone & Everything Is Coming – The Beast System Is In Place – Transhumanism – Metaverse – Luciferace – The Great Reset – Cyber Polygon – The Climate Change Agenda – The All About Me Generation – The Days of Noah And Lot – The Four Horsemen are ready to ride – 6uild 6ack 6etter – The WHO's Pandemic Treaty "Is Tied To A Global Digital Passport And ID System" – UFO Deception

    And when these things begin…

    God bless
    Watchman in the wilderness

  3. I’ve heard this a couple of times now and I still am amazed how clear this is happening now!! Maranatha πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸΌβ€οΈπŸŽΊ

  4. About 4-6 months ago, I had a Dream of surface to air artillery fire, it was dark out and firing wildly into the night. Then, my wife and I were hurrying home and thousands upon thousands of govt ppl going into residential neighborhoods and taking over the homes. Chaos, was afoot!

  5. Thank you, Pastor. Your videos are a blessing. Many of us don’t have anyone to talk to about the end times as many are asleep or worse. Praying more come to the Lord with so little time left. It’s hard to see America this way. I was blessed to be born here but I’m just passing through. All of my treasures are in heaven and I’m looking up. Maranatha.

  6. I had never heard of either vision before but A.A. Allen’s vision gave me confirmation of what the Lord gave me in a dream 1/14/23. I dreamed of fire and sudden destruction, sirens blaring and people running around everywhere trying to get into bunkers. Just as utter destruction was about to befall the rapture took place. We fly soon!

  7. Yesterday I saw a live video where 'they' had put a bill before Congress to do AWAY with our 2nd Amendment Rights. Those that spoke out against it plainly told 'them' that 'they' couldn't just arbitrarily CHANGE OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS! This is TRUTH! Then we have these Chinese 'spy' balloons over our country…I heard the one over Montana exploded late last night…but I haven't heard anything YET about the one over St. Louis, Missouri. The government has REFUSED to do anything about THAT but I think the state government called out the National Guard. Which they have the right to do. "The Federal government attempts" to take away our 2nd Amendment Rights but refuses to do anything about the Chinese spy balloons over our country. Makes you go Hummm! I remember when Obama was President, he made a public speech and said that "Christians wanted to hold onto their Bibles and guns". Well, under our CONSTITUTION, he couldn't run another TERM…BUT that didn't mean Biden couldn't run for President….with Obama being his 'puppet master '! ….For those who haven't figured 'that one' out yet. (Obama is also building his 3rd Mansion on the main island of Hawaii..and AFTER he started that venture…the volcano 'woke up '! We know that was God's Hand!) Just a 'heads-up because I've been "watching" closely since 9/11

  8. Hi to Steve Hanes Ready it time go home yes Amen please see Rebecca Bee on U2 for deceased timeline today it starts today on the 4th it started at sunrise and then it starts again he might call out at 12 p.m. 3 this afternoon 6 when the Sun goes down 9 midnight or 3 in the morning but see Rebecca's timeline and like those candles be ready now the Lord is at hand and if you haven't seen Rebecca's timeline do so get your candles out now and Steve Fletcher 222 on U2 and his video 2 moon Rapture? The Next Few Days!+:):) to we're getting ready to leave Amen πŸ€πŸ™πŸŒˆβ˜€οΈπŸŒΏπŸŒ΄πŸ•ŠοΈπŸŒŒπŸ‘‘πŸŒŽπŸ’ŸπŸ’ŸπŸ› See Steve Fletcher 222 on YouTube he talks about the goat herder comment that is coming tonight 13 hours we fly soon put on your best clothes like that candle 13 hours to downtown see you in the clouds Good bye πŸŒˆπŸ‘‘πŸŒΏπŸŒ΄πŸ•ŠοΈπŸŒŽπŸŒŒπŸ’ŸπŸ’ŸπŸ›πŸšͺπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡³πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ’ŒπŸ‘πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

  9. Thank you SO MUCH for re-sharing those 2 visions!! Just in the amount of time, from the first time I heard them and just now, more of what was written, has happened. Proven to be visions from Our Father to any one that might have doubted. I don't see how anyone could doubt these visions being America's warning! And God warned America again because He is merciful…9/11 happened. I don't know if anyone has read The Harbinger…by Jonathan Cahn…but it too warns America.

  10. I know you wanted to take some time off. But I know you realize we are too close and things are happening too fast and the love you have for us, you didn't take time at all and you keep going. I pray you receive a big reward for pushing on for Jesus and for all of us. Thank you I love you and I will see you soon in heaven

  11. My Family and I are praying for you, the other solid Pastors, and Watch men & women. We pray for your protection, physical and mental. God Bless you and keep you. I pray we meet you soon in the air.

  12. Prayers for You and Family Brother Steve Thank you For All Your Faithfulness And Encouragement for us All ,It won't Be Long ,πŸ™πŸ™πŸ‘πŸ†™πŸ”œβ¬†οΈπŸ‘‘πŸ’ͺπŸ™Œ

  13. 2030 is indeed the 6,000 year mark for the rule of man . This is it folks. I ask you’ what does it have to look like to you? We are here, can you just hang on a little bit longer? It will be all worth every tear you ever shed. We are going home.

  14. We had an incident at the Ruby Mountains with 8 real odd lights. They were not helicopters, the lights did not blink! They rarely moved and the light kind of faded away. They were orange/red. I drove up to the area, it took me only 10 minutes and there were no vehicles, nobody to be found!

  15. Hi to Steve Hines Ministries tonight is February 6th the last full moon the shepherd is coming for his sheep five foolish brides five wise brides see you in the clouds goodbye πŸŒˆπŸ‘‘πŸŒΏπŸŒ΄πŸŒŽπŸ•ŠοΈπŸŒŒπŸ’ŸπŸ’ŸπŸ›πŸšͺπŸ’ŒπŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

  16. Another dream I have in 2021, I and my wife was in in Airport getting ready to get on a perfectly beautiful white 747. I was told in my mind not to get on that plane, We didn't. Wife was confused… So, we went outside and I could see into the plane a full cabin and a young but knowledgeable COPILOT, then I saw Joe Biden get into the Captains seat….. Fast forward, the magnificent plane took off and circled the Airport about two times and I was wondering why I was told not to get on plane… Then the plane flipped and its back and dropped like a "ROCK" Wife and I started running towards the outer hangers and then BOOM! the plane hit the main terminal and exploded, my wife and I's back were burnt but we survived. I woke up then….


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