Is It OK For A Teenager To Date?

On this week’s episode we answer the question, “Is It OK For A Teenager To Date?”


  1. God blessed you, for this message..A lot of hurts, abuse, and misunderstanding, could have been avoided in the world out there, if parents and teenager could view it the Biblical way.Glory be to God!

  2. if we followed this as christians we would never date. We are all sinful! None of us can "do nothing out of selfish ambition". Thats why jesus came. I personally didnt date as a teenager because i dont see the point of dating if it isnt looking towards marriage.

  3. Dating as a teenager is wrong. Teenage pregnancies are normal here in South-African schools, in my days you got suspended, now you get pregnancy leave. There is a joke that went around that high school kids were aloud to be late on the first day of school to give them time to enroll their kids in primary school!! Children grow up broken and think that this is right! I refuse that my daughter even go to her grade 12 farewell!

  4. I got the surprise of my life when my husband proposed to me. We were very good friends for about a year and although I knew I liked him, I had no idea he was attracted to me in that way. I had so much respect for him because we were hardly ever alone together, he wouldn't have it. This was godly behaviour that I'd never seen before.

    I did agree to marrying him before fully understanding the cult he was trying to involve me in that he was a member of. They believed they were the only true Christians. At that time I was still young and searching for the right church and of course there was trouble ahead for us. I believed in grace, he didn't, the resurrection hope we disagreed on, and gradually I started submitting to his belief system regarding many things. It was not a good thing to get involved until both of us had really discovered where Lord Jesus was and what we believed.

    He didn't want to wait for me to go back and get my degree before getting married, being older than me and from a much older generation. That's also something to consider because your in-laws being the same age as your grandparents puts different expectations on you than you are used to with your own parents.

    Of course it was love and respect from the beginning, but certainly very pressurized because there was a lot of religious tension and generation gap.

  5. Never date someone you would not marry. Don't "date ". Court instead. Oh and I said no to my daughters until age 18 when the might be little more mature. However, they had boyfriends behind my back. So if they're gonna court or date, better to do it with your supervision then leave it up to them alone. Meet the parents. Ask the right questions. Explore intent. Teach them to protect their hearts and bodies.

  6. you need to have to a neutral debate with both sides of the story with an pastor like him and then maybe an atheist so we get a variety of views, nothing against you guys but teenagers can be very mature and we have left/hopefully leaving the old conservative days

  7. Food habbits and social habbits are formed right from childhood till Adulthood! So when one marries one from different culture will find it very difficult to change our food habbits so a vegitarians cannot happily live with a non-vegetarian?

  8. I'm 22 and I STILL CHOOSE to not be in a relationship yet, because until I'm not a teenager mentally, it does not matter what age I am. I desire a mature, very spiritual, and godly relationship with another Christian. So I need to become the things I expect in a relationship before demanding them from God or a person.


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