Is Freelancing a Profitable Business in 2022?

Is Freelancing a Profitable Business in 2022? Today we set out to answer that question along with can you work from home and …


  1. I am also a free lance video editor/graphics designer. 3 Long Term weekly clients and I cycle 2-6 one off clients each month. Making a full living. Having fun. Working from home in my RV office.

    -DONT GIVE UP! I started at 16 and it was HARD but once you get that first client it starts snow balling fast.

    Just remember:

    Dont take free work. Make a great porfolio (wix). Consistently reach out to people. UTILIZE CONNECTIONS!

  2. My question is how to charge a client…I feel that's one thing most people are actually scared of…I know I amπŸ˜‚
    …maybe u could answer the question in a new video just to get detailed explanation…thanks broski

  3. Hope you read this. First Great vid, happy to see you back and secound, please make a video with fundamentals steps for freelancer who have no project done and want to be noticed bcs its not a small competition out there.

  4. its mostly for me because upwork is absolutely cooked man. It's literally impossible to find clients that will pay well for just video editing videography + video editing is the only area in which you can actually make a solid hourly rate but the issue with that is it's harder to find long term videography jobs. I've literally been hovering between 800-1200 a month (while still in college) but it's hard to get above that for me.

  5. I just started on upwork last week.


    I took a $15 project so I can at least have something to appear on my profile. Communicating with that client was like solving a rubik's cube. The video took 4 revisions and didn't even give me a 5star. Now he's been begging me the entire week to work on his other videos.

    I recommend finding a YouTuber/Streamer that you can work long time with. Definitely someone who's already monetized cuz a lot of these "starting" youtubers quit after a month or so.


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