Join Kingsley Okonkwo & Dr. Olumide Emmanuel as they share deep truths on Divorce. To Join The LDM Academy of Counselors …






    TEXT: 1 CORINTHIANS 7:12-13
    12. But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away.
    13. And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him.

    KEY VERSE: MALACHI 2:16 For the LORD, the God of Israel, saith that He hateth putting away: for one covereth violence with his garment, saith the LORD of hosts: therefore take heed to your spirit, that ye deal not treacherously.”

    4. Believers are instructed to remain bound in marriage to their unbelieving partners as long as the unbelieving partners desire to remain married to them. The unbelieving marriage partner which the believer is instructed to condone with commits every kind of sin, including adultery certainly. By this the Holy Spirit is showing that no sin is strong enough to break the marriage bond.

    5. God loves children and seeks to protect and save them; hence He hates divorce. Divorce does a lot of harm to the children born into the family. One may reason thus: "Will not God also seek to protect the children born to the unlawful marriage?" The God of mercy is also the God of truth. He will not lay aside His eternal truth to show any one mercy.

    6. Adultery in marriage does not separate the marriages of sinners around us in the world in which we live. Many of our unbelieving neighbours forgive and condone with the adulteries of their marriage partners. Should sinners become more reasonable, forgiving, patient, enduring and loving than the saints? It is not too much for any believer to forgive the adultery committed by his or her marriage partner, because even sinners do the same! The Lord of the church has given us a righteousness not lower, but higher than that of sinners.

    7. The Lord has confirmed this truth to many of His servants that saw Him face to face in a divine encounter. Divorce and remarriage to another partner when the first lawful partner is alive is damnable in hell fire.

    Finally, if the unbelieving marriage partner departs from the marriage, such one can go. The believer is guiltless of the separation and should remain peaceful in Christ.

    Thought for the day: The Lord has confirmed this truth in divine encounters.

    Song for the day: The grace of God is sufficient unto me…

    Bible reading for the day: Daniel 11-12; 3 John 1


  2. Thanks a lot PK and Dr. Olumide Sirs. This session for me was more than just gaining indepth knowledge about divorce, there is a lot of wisdom here about the Christian life, the Christian walk, etc. Thank you.

  3. You people are really confusing us. We don't know who to believe,is it to believe what our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ said on Divorce or what you are practicing which is contrary to what Jesus Christ said. For instance in Mathew 5:31-32.
    All those Pastors who divorced their wives will tell us that divorce is not the will of God but they disobeyed God in the clear teaching of Jesus Christ on the issue of Divorce. Also the teaching of Paul in the book of Romans 7:1-3. Can God not give them the grace to remain in the family without being divorced. If God can give them power to do miracles,to preach to a crowd and many wonders in their ministry can the same God not help them to maintain oneness or unity in their families than have to Divorce.

  4. My ex started having an affair before he applied for a divorce which I wasn't aware of. When I received the first letter from his solicitor, I told him we have to work through things. Ex said, we'll only talk about me and him some other time, which means, he was blaming me for the divorce, meanwhile he was already in a relationship with another woman. I found out 3yrs later during our divorce process, that he was dating sister.

  5. Sir is this man ex-wife is alive Jesus say under Moses that took place but for Jesus says it never should be except foradultary 1CorinthiansChp 7 the whole CHP read it for you r self sir both of you are above Christ Jesus

  6. In as much as I agree with most of what they said. It's important to note that Kenneth Copeland whose 87th birthday is today got married to Gloria Copeland 60 years ago when both of them were still unbelievers. So his previous 2 failed marriages happened when he was still an unbeliever. So he shouldn't really be added in the list of men of God who have been divorced and remarried. Kenneth Copeland gave his life to Christ only 50 years ago which is 10 years after he married Gloria Copeland.

  7. Nobody goes into marriage with divorce in mind except those who are marrying for the sake of getting papers of some countries. Question: How would God take those marriages made with the intention to divorce?

  8. This is half truth about Keneth copeland divorced while he was unsaved. I know we are trying to pass a point here but let’s tell it as it is. I don’t know about the rest.

  9. Please sir, that’s not what led to “Omugwo,” may be you meant abuse of Omugwo. Omugwo is an ancient Igbo culture for postpartum care. Has a lot of medical benefits. As a matter of fact, this culture is now being inculcated into the American society, but it’s quite expensive. I know you meant well, and may not really understand since you’re from a different culture and background, just a little adjustment.

    Thanks for your insightful and liberating teaching that is shaking and breaking all religious tables, especially in Nigeria/African Christian homes

  10. Great conversation thought I guess one issue to clarify is saying that divorce is not a sin and at the same time it is not god's will is unclear. I think a better way to phrase this is that divorce is not God's best but is something that we should not feel condemned about if they feel they need to take that action. That said, I love the point about leaving by the law of life in Christ Jesus.

  11. Pastor K, pls I hope you see this. At 6:37, pastor Olumide said a divorced person is now free to remarry as God's idea is forever except for death and divorce.

    But i thought Jesus said if someone divorces, they should remain unmarried?

    Kindly help balance this for me sir. Thank you

  12. This is wisdom, it’s when we get to heaven that we will know who is truly saved and renewed in mind , religion as made many people die carelessly, what if the lady who is medical doctor husband did abortion for her on thier matrimonial bed died, who could have tell the story hmmmm, it’s well
    Let God just show us mercy and help us to do His will and help us know when we are to lie low or take off


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