Iram: The Lost City of Giants – Atlantis of The Sands

Watch our videos on: Giants Emerging Everywhere – They Can’t Hide This The Book of Enoch …


  1. You need not be a smart one to see what the structures are, water resoviars, for crops.. Look at the tech used in southern americas to understand the circles, a bit different distribution but same. Water always follows the easyest path. Dig up wather channels trough a dessert (they did) and the dessert becomes a forrest that saves earth.. Sounds familliar?

  2. A marvelous story well told. I am subscribed, but it seems I have to hunt for your videos most times. You are becoming a master storyteller. Good research and just so well put together. Your channel and others, like Bright Insight, are knitting together a new understanding of human history.

  3. Respect for That honourable lady Sheherzaad Who 'd a great on the female gender for ever regarding "Honors&PhysicalLives".
    AllahuAkbar SubhanAllah MashaAllah JazakAllah Iltimas-e-Dua❤❤❤❤❤ AllahumaSalyAla Mohammad SAWW WaAly Mohammad SAWW❤❤❤❤
    Ameen Ya RabulAlameen❤❤❤❤❤

  4. Respect For Knowledge❤
    Knowledge is a common human wealth , may Almighty Allah bless the mankind.
    "For years even centuries many scholars asserted that legendary lost city of irm was not real , there was merely a product of religious algori & fantasy fiction then once everything changed ! And world came to know that the law of Almighty Allah (The Only and Greatest God) is at Continution from the 1st human (Adam A.S) to the last messenger of Almighty Allah, The Mohammad SAWW.
    All of the Prophets of Almighty Allah moreorless 124,000 are truthful.
    AllahuAkbar SubhanAllah MashaAllah JazakAllah Iltimas-e-Dua❤❤❤❤❤ AllahumaSalyAla Mohammad SAWW WaAly Mohammad SAWW❤❤❤❤❤Ameen Ya RabulAlameen❤

  5. Respect you & financiers for such a knowledge. AllahuAkbar ❤
    It's not an interesting fact at 25:48 , after getting SandScan Technologies we humans came to know the truth of Quran about this all.
    & Technology is still at progress to reveal the truthness of The Great creator. AllahuAkbar ❤

  6. Nephilims could be evil sure , no debate in Islam , but acrossing the flood of Hazrat Nuuh A.S (Noah A.S) makes scene [this acrossing can't be without the will of Almighty Allah].
    AllahuAkbar SubhanAllah MashaAllah JazakAllah Iltimas-e-Dua❤❤❤❤❤ AllahumaSalyAla Mohammad SAWW WaAly Mohammad SAWW❤❤❤❤
    Ameen Ya RabulAlameen❤❤❤❤❤

  7. This was kinda interesting until you pulled out the “Nephilim” ancient aliens bulshit. Of course the people called the ancient ruins “city of the old” what does this prove? Nothing. Of course this could happen in many places if the world, why wouldn’t they call ancient stuff “city of the old”? Of course every religion has its own stories about the gods mixing with men. This why it is a religion- it tries to explain the reality surrounding it – everything that couldn’t be explained is said to have been made by god or gods. That is really simple to explain and not a mystery at all. Still interesting to find ancient history or cultures. It doesn’t have to be this “lost Atlantis” “giant gods” every time on every YouTube video. Come on get real here.

  8. City of Giants, those descendents who, in few, survived the flood by going to underground caverns and tribes. The origin of Islamic Black Magic. Where Djinn, giants, and evil spirits taught mankind the black arts, advanced mathematics, tomes of the flood world, and ancient tomes of dark magic, passed down from the fallen angels to the giants. A city of great and ancient evil and powerful black magic. Destroyed by The LORD GOD of ISRAEL. Amen.

  9. The Quran doesn't know Jack schitt, it got all of its teachings even though they're rewritten for their own narrative from the bible, these ancient cities are pre-flood and they're in the Holy scriptures of the Apocrypha.

    Oh you didn't know that Roman Catholics removed it because it proves the Bible and destroys their new world order! Wake up…

  10. That British guy is the one who infiltrated those people's lives and destroyed them and they think he was there to help…. Do you really believe did they traveled all that way to help those poor little people tackle whatever problems owe them do you really believe that story Just use your little mind and think do you believe what this video is telling you?
    Well my goodness.

  11. No telling how many people that man in those pirates that escorted him throughout the land murdered to get those specimens They just handed him over to him huh he's so special British demon…. It really makes me sick that people believe this garbage

  12. Fantastic video. Look at the remains of the old ones creations in the desert there and compare them to Adams Calendar in South Africa and once again you will see signs that the Nephilim were a global culture. Their remains still remain until today. They will be returning soon too.

  13. Iram is not a tale neither a legend, but it is a real fact and it is mentioned in the Quran. Any one can find what Allah has said about this city which no one has created and build as such as it is in Surat AL Fajr in the Quran ayah no. 6 to 8.

  14. If nobody survived the sandstorm, how could anyone know who said what about it being rain or sand coming and why? Unless they had a video camera rolling that survived the storm, all anyone outside the city would know is that they got wiped out by a sandstorm…

  15. القران هو رسالة الله الاخيرة الى البشر لا ياتية الباطل من بين يديه و لا من خلفه تنزيل من حكيم حميد كل كلمه فيه هى حق مطلق لا يقبل الشك فعلى كاتب التعليق فى هذه الافلام الوثائقية ان يتادب عندما يتكلم عن كتاب و كلا م الخالق سبحانه و تعالى

  16. Potrebbe essere tutto sbagliato e per questo incomprensibile, fino a che pensiamo IL TEMPO LINEARE. Potrebbero essere universi paralelli (realta simultanee). La mitologia greca ci dice che Giove, per liberare gli altri Dei, ha dovuto vincere(castrare) Cronos-Saturno = IL TEMPO.
    E anche molto strano che voi considerate quello che sta scritto nei libri "religiosi" , che sono stati scritti sempre da chi voleva imporre un modo di pensare alla gente,… e non considerate mai la MITOLOGIA GRECA, che e risultato delle menti filosofiche, sapienziali e anche dei poeti inspirati !!???

  17. @6:37 is a fallacy. The Quran is the word of God and thus the verses are said by God and not as you said “warned by Muhammad”. Also, Muhammad is a Prophet, he has a title, “Prophet Muhammad” have some respect when you talk about one of the most influential figures of mankind

  18. @10:45 is a fallacy. The 1001 Nights is an Arabian book, most of the stories are from Iraq, Syria and Egypt and the farther lands where Arab merchants traded like China and India. Based on what are you claiming that the book is persian and copied from ancient traditions? Clearly you havent read the book

  19. 35:5536:14 Can confirm that this information is completely untrue. Only factual information in this is the existence of beings called Jinn. Be accurate with the information you ascribe to Islam and provide your references and evidence. We do not accept fake information.

  20. All what you said and claimed are useless😅..
    YEMEN has the secret not for the area old history but all the world… Yemen has the most old civilization in yhe world and the historicals haven't discoverd 4% of which is under the land of Yemen… the war and bad situations in Yemen makes his value history still buried under its sand

  21. You will never ever find this city and for those who claimed to find this city is a liar because in islam Allah SWT completely destroyed the people of ad due to there disbelieve complete destruction you wouldn't find a simple remaining building there or body

  22. With modern tech like satellites, ground penetrating radar, geothermal scanning, etc. etc…. one would imagine this would be found by now… For Gods sake we can see scans of freaking OCEANS MILES below the earth… I call BS on this and the Antarctica conspiracies. Fun stories to entertain in the light of entertainment only. Don't expect to find Investors for an expedition any time soon though.


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