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  1. 1 corin 1:25…the weakness of God is not vulnerability, it is relatability with man…but God duels in unapprochable light

    1peter 5:8-9…be vigilant because you have an advisory .

    John 10:10…
    Our victorious living is a right with God not a privilege. As citizens of heaven we have rights and we know our way to the court.

    The blood of Jesus has paid the price

    John 1:11…he gave us right to become his children.

    Devine instrument for preservation and deliverance

    1) Faith . Romans 12:3…God put a measure faith in our lives, Eph 6:16… taking the shield of faith.

    Our faith comes from our understanding of what Christ has done for us .

    Heb 13:8.

    2corin 5:7 we walk by faith

    3 John 5


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