Thank you for visiting! Daily messages by Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin are found on our RHEMA for Today podcast here: …


  1. 21:18 somewhere in here he talks about people think the devil is big, bigger than God and focus on what the devil is doing.

    Rights and privileges in Christ Jesus.

    23:27 authority of the believer

    25:49 power in the name. Believe that. Authority in that name.

    29:16 what ever you ask (or demand) in My name

    30:39 He heard you


    46:19 if you ask anything in my name


    51:35 my faith's in the name

    51:56 my faiths not in prayer it's in the name


    57:53 get outside and dance a jig when you don't know what you're gonna do.

    58:33 dance


    1:02:26 this video seemed to be more about ask the Father in Jesus name. Have faith in asking in Jesus name, more than incline thine ear.

  2. Glory Hallelujah! I have heard and keep on hearing brother Kenneth E Hagin 's CD since 1987 and afterwards, until life changes came that I have to make a living myself. I was so hungry and thirst about His preaching and teaching about the Word of God, I really enjoyed it. But because of daily lives business, I couldn't get it deeper in my spirit. It's like every time I listen I enjoy it. But realize that brother Hagin's got it, and I was always looking up to him. So after my ex-husband divorced me, I started to work at the worldly job like Wendys,
    Sushi at public's, and finally goodwill from the basic job, couldn't make my ends meet. So the devil distracted me from brother Hagin's teaching. But I remember the most important thing, is to stand, and correct praying, and apply the Word of God in our lives. But now when I listen to his teaching again. I heard that the things I heard before, but let it slip, stolen by the enemy, because the heart is still polluted by the even a little bit worrying about this worldly thing. But the Lord works on my mind again and again, to get rid of things, which is in my thinking first, bit and a bit, by me ask Him to help me. He is so good to me to us. All we need to do is to ask, and receive from Him. Do you know we can't change ourselves or anybody else? It's all His work in us. And Jesus said without Me you can do nothing. Mine, our Maker Creator, what else can I say? Just stand in awe!
    But the whole world is under Satan's canning crafty deceiving, couldn't see.
    We need to exercise our authority, the name of Jesus and the blood of Jesus all the time now. This teaching is so precious, it lead to to another level of exercising in the name of Jesus!
    Thank You Lord! Love in Him, Rosemary


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