Impact of Social Media on Youth | Katanu Mbevi | TEDxYouth@BrookhouseSchool

Katanu talks about the positive and negative impacts of social on youth. Katatu is a student at Brookhouse School doing BTEC.


  1. I AM very CONFIDENT in MYSELF and My thing is GOD Created YOU an ORIGINAL So don't Compare YOURSELF to ANYBODY and I USE My SOCIAL MEDIA to TEACH and I AM happy For EVERYBODY for What THEY do On their FB etc and NOT PB Mine and I AM 1000% My STRAIGHT PRIDE from DAY 1 SELF and Women 21 or 25 Upwards ONLY Self for ETERNITY and I POST what I want to POST and I don't CARE about Anyones FEELINGS or getting LIKES @ I AM What That I AM that I AM made LOVE Me or HATE Me that will NEVER ever CHANGE with Me 1000% more IMPORTANT is GOD is My WITNESS.

  2. stresses caused by social media – insecurity it is basically lack of confidence but hoe soical media effect it on social people always tries to show off thier wins , best looks , amazing holidays,and unforgatteble meals and even though appreciating good things in life isnt a bad thing but these highlights are the cause of most teenagers insecurities today we always compare our behind the scenes to other peoples highlight

  3. Katanu is a student at Brookhouse School doing BTEC with a passion for marketing who spoke at a Ted talk in an effort to bring awareness to the “positive and negative impacts” of social media. This talk is balanced in a very general sense. Katanu talks about the Negative affects of social media: Insecurity, Social Currency, and Fear of Missing Out. She also proposes an action plan with three distinct steps: Build a strong value system, Collaborate creativity, Be yourself. While she seems to have all of the proper information in place she only really touches on these problems without including too much detail. She deserves credit for participating in her own action plan by spreading awareness about the issues affecting so many teens in our generation. The truth of these issues is shown when she lets us know that 60% of teenagers spend about 2 hours a day on their phones and says whether we like it or not this is bound to have a significant impact on our lives. Katanu is actively promoting the dignity of the human person with her action plan. She pulls relevant experience from her own life and things her mom used to tell her that made her feel better about herself, more dignified. This is important because in order to feel dignified and to trust in good things that should make us feel dignified sometimes we want proof. In this case it was a shirt her mom gave her that said “No one is you and that is your power”. I believe this talk was skillfully developed in the way that it was aimed towards the younger portion of our generation. While that may not be helpful for the older side, it may be useful for parents try and utilize this information. However, the young people are the people who will be hit the hardest by this social media craze, so it is indeed skillful. I think as a younger person, Katanu is extremely inspiring. We may not always feel confident enough to stand up for ourselves and defend our own dignity, especially with all of the need for approval stemming from social media. But she is an example of a strong woman who has found it in herself to overlook whatever she may hear in the media and she wants to spread awareness so that others can do the same.

  4. She is a strong she speak about the topic really good nowadays teenagers including me a lot of issues in a social media more on negative comments specially on facebook for a lots of social media site literally understand this is you how you she explain about the issue how she's speak and stand out the about the social media how valid all the informations that she tackled about she is katanu mbeui really good role model in this generation of teenager including me she reminds us we should aware about using social media and have a limit use the social media and how we posted on social media rather be negative or positive comments starting out of the issue about social media

  5. Yes i agree with what the speaker point out because regarding the issue it's all about social media issue in our generation teenager she's pointing out about the issue it because she have a awareness about how will you social media properly and also i agree when she said that the social media used must be putting out social media issues regarding the wisdom the way she's speech about the social media youth but we must be limited about our social media life for an hour because it can affect to our health issues we have insecurities in ourself


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