Emily Thomes called herself a Christian but led a life of homosexuality, drug use, and rebellion. Curious, she googled Bible …


  1. Sincerely i was like this b4, i thought it was natural for me, but it was all lie, my exposure to pornography at a very young age cost it, but when I was 15, i encountered Christ, and now by His grace am saved. All glory to God.

  2. What a great and genuine testimony. This lady literally LOOKS like a different person. She is spiritually, but it's manifesting physically. Wow. This reminds me of the scripture that talks about Paul preaching to crowds and how all those God had called came to believe. It's like they had special ears to hear and that's what I hear in her testimony as well. Even in the midst of her life, she was able to understand the scripture, God's nature and how she didn't reflect him at that time, but yet her friend could not. May God continue to strengthen her and her marriage so that she comes out victorious in every battle.

  3. My friend was gay but he was a Christian. He married a woman, trusting God to make it work. He ended up cheating on his wife with a man. They got divorced. Now he lives with a man. He still believes in God and Jesus.

  4. I'm happy for her. I want and hope her marriage lasts till death do them part! Fantastic She got saved! I'm not really into brunette's but I think that girls kinda cute. If I met a girl that looked like her that was around my age and my height and was single, and a Christian like me and I was interested and she was interested I'd probably ask the girl out.

  5. My wife is under that spell of homosexuality.. it’s so hard on our kids and family.. she was in that life when she was 18 and 19 .. then we met.. God showed her the truth about that life and we were together for 14 years.. then she left after we went through some problems. I pray every day that she comes back to the lord but this time fully and completely… my son is 19 and my daughter is 13 .. I’m 35 and she’s 36.. God is keeping us strong and continue praying and reading the gospel is keeping us strong..

  6. I'm a homosexual woman and I'm not a "slave" to my homosexuality. If anything, I'm happy with who I am as a lesbian. There's literally nothing wrong with being gay.
    I feel very sorry for this young woman. Sure, drinking a lot of alcohol and smoking weed every day are unhealthy habits, but there was nothing wrong with her otherwise. It sounds like pressure and brainwashing from her parents and then her aunt got to her and now she's living a lie.
    Also, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 actually has nothing to do with homosexuality. The homosexuality part was added into the verse and wasn't originally there. Yes it mentions about being sexually immoral but there's nothing sexually immoral about being homosexual!

  7. I'm a young man getting to know woman with same sex attraction and it's so obvious we were meant for each other. The more she gets to know me, more she realises "maybe I was born to appreciate a man"… If you're reading this right now and have a same-sex attraction, or you've done something in your past which makes you feel unloveable, I want you to know that you are lovable and that God loves you so much, and that He wants you be loved. Your identity is not this or that, but that you are loved; for God is Love and you are the beloved. John 3:16 says "God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whomsoever believes in Him would not die, but have everlasting life". God loves you. Live it, learn it, love it.

  8. I like what she says about the "salad bar religion". We may not understand all of God's word, but it is incumbent upon us created beings to seek understanding of it.

    The uncanny accuracy of prophecies –given and fulfilled in all 66 books– is evidence of its complete perfection & inspiration by Jehovah. If it did not challenge us, it could not be of divine origin, but our own convenient invention.

    But God is an understanding parent, not some distant, cruel tyrant. Where He makes rules, He also provides solutions and healing. Through Christ's blood, we can have victory over the myriad social, psychological and spiritual forces in this fallen cosmos, that distort our identities and undermine our wholeness.



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