Welcome to a brand new session of the Morris Cerullo School of Ministry LIVE from Legacy! Today we begin the powerful Morris …


  1. Amen! "Love one another" Lord thank You for loving us first, now we could share this kind of love with one another. Love is the greatest because it comes from our Father God. His unconditional love brings us together. Praise God for His love,

  2. I was unable to finish my quiz on the last cousre Declaring War on the devil's war . Was writing the quiz and network went off, I refreshed and it disappeared… Please I need help on that

  3. Please, I need prayers for God to send me funds which I will use to establish a Health marketing company through which I will gather resources for the furtherance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  4. I thank God for the spirit of Chrit Jesusand the life and spirit that fill the word of God. Am blessed alawts when I hear the word of God and specially blessed to listen to the whole message on Unity of the Spirit. I thank God for the work of encouragement that Brother Greg Mauro and the two other anchors do.
    Pray for me, Olusegun Joseph Odejobi, to be restored. I have suffered a wreckage to my bodily constitution to my roots such that I use special drugs to pack my life together and continue in life. I pray a lot too and prayers such as yours and ministrations help me too.


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