If Jesus Had Been A Typical Teenager. Brian Bates – Full Special

If Jesus had been a typical teenager, chances are we wouldn’t want to read about him as much, or at least thats the vibe we get …


  1. Off topic….BC – before Christ (before he was born)…AD…After Death…ive never been able to understand if Jesus was 33 yrs old….what and how do they number those 33 yrs in between BC and AD? its like a void in history….but i do like his mate that said..`I hope its a full moon !`..god bless him….

  2. I went on a 2 year MORMON mission to Australia!
    The two best years of my life…..up to that point.
    Each 2 years AFTER my 2 year mission has been exponentially BETTER!!
    ANY year when people weren't cursing me/us out, sun up to sun down, HAD to be better!!

  3. 1) He worked as a carpenter. Jesus is referred to as a carpenter by the people of his hometown (Mark 6:3). His father Joseph was also a carpenter (Matthew 13:55). So we can assume that he spent much of his teens and 20s learning from his father and practicing that trade

  4. Was good until the self-driving cars. Basically, saying humans are going to turn into complete idiots. Yes, I know many humans already are, but not all of us. Not that difficult to drive a vehicle. Turned it off after that. If the part about driving the lady home in complete silence was true, I totally understand why.

  5. How can people be so offended at mocking Mohamed who was just a man and yet when people mock the God of the Universe who paid your fine for your horrible crimes that you commit (that we all commit)? He died bloody on a cross for you and you mock him and laugh? He rose from the grave with all power and glory defeating death for us and you scorn him? He absorbed Gods wrath, the wrath that was supposed to consume you in Hell for eternity because he loved you!? He ascended to heaven to begin making his kingdom on earth and giving us his own spirit to empower us and you think he is a joke? Be careful because he is not the cuddly Jesus you have been taught of. Yes Jesus is loving, merciful and kind. However it says that He is enemies with those who are proud, he hates wicked lips and if you trample what he has made available to you for a cheap joke you will not be laughing on judgment day that’s for sure!

    Humble yourself you sinners and wash your hands you double minded. Turn to God and he will hear you from his high mountain. God is near to the broken hearted and he delights In a meek and lowly spirit.

    He offers mercy, so kiss the son of God! Choose to follow him and love him. while you can find him so that he does not instead become angry with you. He offers life! life! Eternal life! You never know when your last day will be so choose him while you can.


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