1. I do not like this film🤬😡 NONSENSE! A wife was not meant to be submissive to husband's extra-marital affairs and definitely not to endure physical/verbal abuse! I don't agree with turning the tables or turning to evil, but I don't agree with staying!

  2. The problem of domestic abuse should be handled more seriously in our churches and in our cultures! The way the mother would encourage her daughter to go back in that hell she called a home and risk her life with no prayers and zero solution to support her is so representative of a lack of consideration for women who are held captive of abusive and narcissistic spouses in our African cultures. Most of the times, church members or even the family will blame women and encourage them to endure violence eventhough their lives are at risk! This is not biblical at all, such a shame!!! There should have been a disclaimer somehow throughout the movie, to show that the author of the movie distance themselves from such a dangerous and deadly approach! For instance, the mother could have apologised at the end of the movie for encouraging her daughter back in an abusive home…
    Also, I sadly realised it was a more than 2 hour christian movie with quite no mention of the name of Jesus Christ! Only 5 principales to solve marriage issues were mentioned but nothing such as obedience to God, or relying on God, the Holy Spirit or even prayer were among those principles! Although the message is a key one regarding the wisdom we need to apply while choosing a life partner, sadly this movie did not put Jesus Christ first, in my opinion!

  3. Praise God brethren, movies like these, me as single lady at first they discourage me when I see a woman maltreated and cheated on.At some point i feel like marriage is a bandage but i thank God in the end they give us the solution by His Grace

  4. This is NOT what we want to teach our daughters that once they are married they don’t have a family outside their husbands. This is why some of our daughters don’t come to us when they run into abuse in they marriages. In a situation like this movie she shouldn’t have gone back home immediately; separate is very necessary; as long time as needed for her husband to step up. It is also important that we teach our women and men to seek God when choosing a partner.

  5. Lol is a wife meant for cooking? It saddens me that once these men get married they forget to cook (yet some of them were cooking while bachelors). Women get tired too and need help seriously. Every woman desires a friend and companion in her husband and that means helping each other with tasks around the house and other responsibilities – that’s love. I believe that’s the love the Bible talks about; it’s not oppressive.

  6. The behaviour of the woman was not good right from the start the man never stoped her from working or doing what she needed to do.she did not known her to prioritize things , Two things a man wents sex and food she was denying the man both,how would there be peace she didnot need to go out looking for other means.if she played her part there is no magic any where is all in our hands!!!!

  7. The behaviour of the woman was not good right from the start the man never stoped her from working or doing what she needed to do.she did not known her to prioritize things , Two things a man wents sex and food she was denying the man both,how would there be peace she didnot need to go out looking for other means.if she played her part there is no magic any where, all in our hands!!!!She was looking for what was not missing

  8. Satan knows the word , he parades as an angel of light . Just as there are 4 seasons we need to take time to know the person we want to be with . God showed me red flags before I got married and I did not take heed.

  9. Mothers like that are an irritant to me. I consider them aiding and abetting in the abuse. Another thing I find irritable nowhere in the Bible is the marriage vows found….nowhere but the church likes to teach that marriage is for better and for worse, can someone show me the scriptures where that line is found please? As far as I'm concerned the church , parents major influences in our lives condone abuse, cheating in a marriage.

  10. What kind of mother is that?, that tells her daughter to go home to get beaten by the husband , he dont fead her he go out to eat by himself dont bring her anything, then he want sex filthy peace of garbage like him

  11. At first I wasn't keen on the movie, after reading some of the comments I felt like i shouldn't keep watching. But as it progressed, I see this is a wonderful movie, because it is realistic. This is the story of some people. They go through the consequences of their own negligence, the consequences of listening to poor counsel, the consequences of prayerlessness and lack of trusting in the Lord. The Lord is gracious where He sometimes allows us to not suffer the consequences of our decisions. This movie also shows how sometimes those who mean well (i.e. pastor, Mother…) might not always bring the right answers. Truly, only God can help us and lead us to our breakthrough. If you are a believer wishing to be married, you MUST include the Father in your plans until you have peace. When the Bible tells us not to be unequally yoked, if you choose to go against it, there will be hardships as a result.

  12. Wow!
    It didn't have to end this way.
    we have to be careful of the advice we receive. Who are our counselors?
    Wrong company, Psalm 1, the counsel of the ungodly.
    I'm happy she repented though.
    God is great
    We thank God for restoration.

  13. Golry Be To The Almighty jehovah my son ASH-HADU LA ILAHA ILLALLAH WAHDAHU SHARIKA ASH-HADU ANNA MOHAMED Be The Golry Amine, THANK You so much more my lovely son the Almighty jehovah Ash-hadu la ilaha illallah wahdahu sharika Ash-hadu Anna Mohamed


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