John Crist and Trey Kennedy break down what it would have been like if Bible Characters had iPhones. John Crist is a standup …


  1. Lot's daughter joke made me wonder, when do young earthers consider to be the end of the incestuous period of human life. Clearly by the time of Lot it was taboo, but by necessity there was a long period that is was not. How long did that last?

  2. God richly bless you😂 and may He use you for much greater exploits than you can imagine and you and everyone who comes across your videos are generational blessings and everyone you each encounter becomes one as well, in Jesus mighty name we pray faith and thanksgiving, Amen😂😂😂

  3. The good news is that Jesus Christ died on the cross for all of humanity's sins, He took our punishment upon Himself so we could be reconciled with God the Father, it shows we can only go to Heaven because of the finished work Jesus did on the cross and not of ourselves
    (Ephesians 2:8-9) – should read

  4. Turn to Jesus, hell is real and all you will do in it is suffer and burn for eternity, the only way out is by accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour and giving Him your life, remember that God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit loves you so much, please turn back to them

  5. The Rapture could happen right now, and where do you think you will spend your eternity, do you know you will be taken up? You have to repent of your sins, do not hold them in your heart, confess to the Lord, get your life right with God, The Rapture could happen as you're reading this, it's a sign that you have to change from your ways and turn to the Truth which is Jesus Christ, don't say you'll get your life right with God later or you're to tired this is you drifting away from God, he doesn't want you in hell so why and how van you be so calm about this stop ignoring God, you do not know when it's going to happen, get your life right will God confess any sin you may have, you cannot "sin to much for God to forgive me" he loves you and he will forgove you, he forgave me, its not a joke.

  6. Repent of your sins, all people have offended the Holy, Eternal God, we all deserve hell but because Jesus died on the cross for our sins we can be forgiven of our sins, Judgement is coming, and now you have been warned


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