THOSE SWEET TEENAGE YEARS! They will set you up for the rest of your life whether for good or bad. I wish I had this type of …


  1. Alright so I'm going into my soph year and basically, I'm that kid that lived far away from everyone, who can't go to events or hangouts either bc the drive was too much or my parents didn't want too. My whole life my parents and the adults in my life, bc of their African background and culture preached "Be careful of the friends you have. Don't keep bad company." and I never really realized that until my freshman year. I went to a small charter school from grades k-8 and just going into high school showed me how much wickedness there was. I always wanted to have close friends and do all the popular cool things of this generation I simply couldn't bc of my parents. They don't know a single one of my friends' parents personally, and they don't know much about them as well. So school I try to be social, but summer was really and isolation season for me, no hangouts, parties, functions whatever. And I'm not one to drink and do drugs I don't care for that but I used to feel like I was missing out before I made the effort to get closer with God. I used to feel lonely and all those things when you see your friends at a party or event or something that you were invited to but couldn't attend. Essentially, it's just now that I'm realizing how little it matters because none of that stuff: popularity, people pleasing, followers, likes, and friends matter as much as it seems because a lot of it is fake.

    Anyway didn't mean to write this much but God is good✝✝

  2. The God First tee shirt is lit bro
    Where can I get it?

    Found about your channel about 2 weeks ago and kept on tuning on every videos since.

    Keep going in the name of the Lord ❤

    Love from France 🙌🏾

  3. Thank you brother for this I needed this if I never accepted Christ in my life I would’ve been doing things that I would’ve regret later in my life growing up I had family members in the streets grew up with friends that are now in the streets and I could’ve done the same but God saved me without him I’m nothing now I’m making a decision either college or the military the college I was trying to go to wants a lot of money I ask God for clarification on what I should do keep me in yall prayers God bless love y’all❤️💯

  4. As a 14yr old who has been a serious christian for 2 weeks, I pressed on this video so fast 😭


    As someone who is going to be a freshman in September, I want to be confident with Jesus and talk about him without caring about what people would think of me, though I’m still scared its better to wait for God to bless me with amazing friends that will support me and or are Christian like me. I was never serious about Jesus my whole life up until now. There was just smthing in me that was telling me that I should and need to be close with God. It was a wanting it me to have a relationship with the Lord and now I’m here, I feel a little bit more at ease and I feel like I’m more confident in sharing my faith and wearing shirts that prove so.

  5. I’m 14, just starting high school in two days, I’ll be 15 in September, and I need to focus more on God and stop idolizing, I feel worried sometimes cause all these people talking about the end times and God is coming back soon, I also have little to no idea what I want to do in life, wouldn’t mind doing voice acting or editing, but that’s about it, If you see this can you make a video of how to fast from an idol to turn it into a hobby? Thank you, and may God Bless, Forgive, Enlighten, Guide, and help all of us AMEN

  6. This is awesome advice bro. Our youth must understand there is no time to deliberately destroy their life. Just focus on God trust me and you won't have to deal with all the regret that I have and many others have. You don't have to exist to please your emotions, feelings or other people.

    Thanks Bernard for talking to the youth, they need direction especially now.

  7. Im 21 years old going into my second year of college and this video helped me out alot, and I agree that it is hard in this generation to maintain your faith but if you do, it is worth it. I have never felt so happy and fulfilled in my life until I found the Lord

  8. As a 16 year old Christian it's tough being a Christian in high school. It's still something i'm trying to adjust too as i've been in my walk with God for about 6-7 months. I try to be a good role model for the people around me and spread the word of God. I used to be stuck in lust for 3 1/2 years and back in July of last year i finally overcame it but i still wasn't fully turning to God. But i finally listened to God and accepted him into my heart, and my life has felt whole again for the first time in years. I'm truly grateful and blessed for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.❤🙏✝️

  9. I’m 15, trying very hard to grow in faith and walk in Gods plan for my life. It’s hard because there’s a lot of things that God wants me to give up. I’m trying to let go but I’m struggling.

  10. Paul, as a teenage Christian myself, I would like to ask you something.

    What is your view on masturbation?

    Other than that, God bless your soul, and thanks for all the advice you gave this video, though I don’t smoked or drank to begin with.


  11. Christian 17 year old here. I am only a few months from turning 18 and struggle with sin, i dont jave a job and dont know what to do with my life. I do know to keep trusting God and have my faith in him. I want to live for him. ❤ Please pray for me. God Bless.

  12. Am 17 i did alot of crazy stuff when i was 11-15 but my mother always prayed for me and because of her i got baptized when i was 16 all i got to say is the transition is tuff really tuff because it is a lonely road but i know if i continue it will shape me into to be

  13. 16. I go to a school full of Antichristians. I always get kicked and hurt for expressing my views. I’m glad at least some people like you, help me out. I still have a long way to go towards fixing my relationship with god. But I am getting there.

  14. Hello! Hello! I’m 14 and I really really want my faith in Jesus to grow stronger. It is better than it was but it can still be a little tough. But it’s amazing to be able to think that your Father is the creator of this universe. Not only that but just who he is. There can terrible discouraging thoughts in my head that sometimes make me want to scream BUT is has gotten better. Just have to remind myself that God loves and will not leave. There will be challenges but as long as we got Jesus he will hold us up. No matter what. Keep walking in faith. We are warriors for the Lord. Children of the God most High!! Nothing will never separate us from the love the Lord has for us. Keep going. Keep standing back up every time you fall. And another thing. God is very proud of you 🙂 God bless and thank you PB! ❤️👍🏽🙏

  15. I'm going to be 18 this month, BUT this video is pretty helpful. i've been called boring, or being a saint for not doing what they do. Without forgetting to mention that they called me weird, the most "bad" thing I did in highschool was hide from some guards, and run from them. Which happened once, and I got into some fights (defending myself) when I was younger. And thank the lrod I didn't decide to listen to these "Live life, you only live once" type of people 😭


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