Good day, Welcome to Emeka Anslem’s YouTube Channel. Emeka Anslem is an inspirational teacher saddled with the …


  1. Wept when he listened to Obama's speech? There is commentary more jocular from a man who preaches the word of GOD than this. The witty sage cannot even initiate the start of the transformation of Chicago. He posses great wits just as the great wits and powers of the religious leaders of Nigeria. Same level of wits, same kharki pants.
    Please Mr.,never let such words be spewed from your mouth any more. And my advice, get some wits

  2. This Man don't even know who Obama was his is such an arrogant preacher…that preach for only his selfish interest…for money and fame not for God kingdom…prosperity over Spiritualität..

  3. I have seen some negagive comments about Obama. But let me ask how many Americans pray for him how may Americans fasted for him. The blacks in America are so caught up in the whiltes. No one is perfect But Obama is a very smart man. Americans think that Christopher Columbus founded America but it was Nigerians that founded America. They would rather put their own people down then to support them. Obama is not perfect but according to the bible we all have seen and came up short to the glory of God. No one is perfect this is why God said to pray for your leaders hight and low. Pray

  4. Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.

  5. 90% of the comments that are against Bishop utterance is as a result of your inadequate understanding.May the spirit of God gives you an enlightenment.I pity some of you that are talking against a man of God.

  6. Bishop is explaining how Barrack Obama developed himself to attain the presidency.Not after he had been elected.Please let tried to listen attentively and be sensitive to comprehend a message.Let avoid to castigate great men of God with proves in their ministry.Please be carefully of how some of you misuse this social media…It’s really unethical…May God have mercy upon us.🙏🏾


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