I Watched The WORST Rated Christian Movie of All Time…

I watched the worst rated Christian movie ever! Here are my thoughts! Support our videos! Patreon (thank you!)


  1. في ايه في القرآن الكريم في سورة ال عمران بتقول الايه رقم ١٩ بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم إن الدين عند الله الاسلام وما اختلف الذين اوتو الكتاب [المسيحين واليهود ] الا من بعد ما جاءهم العلم بغيا بينهم ومن يكفر بأيات الله فإن الله سريع الحساب والايه رقم٨٥ في ال عمران ومن يبتغي غير الاسلام دينًا فلن يقبل منه وهو في الآخرة لمن الخاسرين صدق الله العظيم جرب اقرأ سورة ال عمران ولو مش عايز تقرأ جرب اسمعها عندك محمود خليل الحصري و محمد صديق المنشاوي صوتهم جميل ويريح القلب اسمع ليهم سورة ال عمران يعني بالعقل كده ازي تقول ان سيدنا عيسي ابن الله في ايه في سورة البقره بتقول بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وقالوا اتخذ الله ولدا سبحانه بل له ما في السماوات والأرض كلٌ له قانتون صدق الله العظيم

  2. I immediately went and watched this movie with my family after watching this video. I don't know what you mean by not a comedy. I laughed so hard at how terrible this movie is. Dramatizing Nicholas slapping Arius by taking him outside and beating him to death was a great message for my kids. Thank you Kirk Cameron for the excellent family movie with questionable history and questionable theology encouraging us to shame people into loving every part of Christmas. Great family talking points

  3. Pretty sure you are the one who thought Doja Cat was "just making art" with her demonic performances in her "music"… so I'm having a little trouble finding anything about your future opinions spiritually valuable…

  4. I know the movie has some corny moments, nonetheless, I found it endearing and fun. As always, John, you were gracious to pull something positive out w/the free gift reference. Thanks for your ministry.

  5. I remember another dreadful Christian movie that Kirk Cameron produced many years ago. Some orphaned kids were homed by a Christian couple who told the kids that they were now living in heaven. As a boy, Cameron was a talented actor. Perhaps he should have stuck with acting.

  6. Okay, I must watch this movie now. The scenes you played for us looked hilarious! I really liked that "extra Jesus" joke! I think people take things too seriously now days and look to be offended. From what I see in the clips, I think I will like the movie. I'm going to watch it with a critical eye (I'm actually an adult film and screenwriting student) and then I will post my own review as an update here. This should be fun.

    UPDATE: (two hours later)

    Okay, I watched the entire movie, and read each and every credit too. My first impressions: The start of the movie is a little bit boring and kind of confusing, around the nine minute mark is when the "traditional" style of the movie begins. Kirk gives us an educational thesis of what Christmas is to him, but then brings the audience to a character who is down and out with the hoopla of traditional Christmas celebrations. His thoughts are legit, as many Christians, myself included have felt the same way. However, Kirk brings in some core foundational values to us through the use of not only biblical text, but actual history as well. He acknowledges the pros and cons from both secular celebrants, and Christians alike, in a respectful manner. The connection about swaddling cloth left me stunned and encouraged. There is nothing offensive about this movie whatsoever. It's uplifting, encouraging, funny, embraces Jesus, and the fun things we enjoy during Christmas. As a screenwriter, I found the this movie to be refreshingly done and not a cookie-cutter movie. The soundtrack for the entire movie is done well too, and I really enjoyed the dancing scene at the end. Nothing cringe about it. And that's "what I meme!" Enjoy!


  7. I actually just saw this movie last night and I thought it was the corniest movie I've seen all year 😅 I loved it because it reminds me of my brother and his sense of humor. 😅 I loved it 😊

  8. Actually I enjoyed your video. I have recently placed on my Facebook page that I think the Christian Church the Christians should change the date of Christmas from December 25th to another time another date. That isn't to say that we should stop the giving of gifts and receiving of gifts on the 25th of December that's fine we can do that we can call it the national day of giving. What I don't like is how commercialized and how the whole idea of Christmas anymore seems to be the greed surrounding it. Let me also say that I am a retired Minister I was a minister for over 30 years so I know about Christmas I enjoyed celebrating Christmas in Christmas services. What I don't enjoy is the greed and the fact that we as a society seem to think that the only thing that is good about Christmas anymore is the bottom line of all of the merchants

  9. In the 17th century, the 'Puritans' had laws forbidding the ecclesiastical celebration of Christmas, unlike the Catholic Church or the Anglican Church, the latter from which they separated.
    An early mention of Christmas observance is from 129 AD when a Roman bishop decreed: "In the Holy Night of the Nativity of our Lord and Saviour, all shall solemnly sing the Angels Hymn."
    I am a devotee of Saint Nicholas
    There is a special place in h*** for this movie

  10. Thanks for reviewing this movie or would have never heard of it lol . But my personal review after watching it tonight was…… I LOVED IT LOL!!! Message was great, actors were funny! And not a cringe funny. Or I just may not be hip to what cringe actually means these days? I have lots of joy in my soul so I laughed a ton! This movie makes it into my top 3 Christmas movies. Thanks for introducing this.


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