I watched a Christian horror movie! Nefarious. My honest review.

In this video, I watch Nefarious, a Christian horror movie. I’ll give you my honest review of the movie, including whether or not it’s a …


  1. It seems a lot of people disagree, and a lot of people agree with my assessment. Just a reminder, this is my honest review and how I felt about it. It’s totally ok that you disagree. I am responsible for my platform and the influence God has given me, and I can’t, with a clear conscience, just say. Everyone go watch it! The fact that Jesus was never mentioned and there was no gospel presentation at all is a problem to me when it’s a “Christian movie.” Please be civil and know we won’t agree on everything, and that’s ok.

  2. Your first point is kinda "weird". Its like you would want a documentary style production instead of a movie. It wouldn't be overdramatization if the type of possessed subject is a minority. Then perhaps they should have made a totally different story.

  3. Nope if it says "horror", I stay away. Plus for those saying it will help spark a convo for non-believers idk. Bible says they have no real spiritual discernment like we do. And we need to be careful what we allow in our eye and ear gates. I know I was a huge fan of zombie movies. Had the whole TWD series and other horror, thriller, and occult movies. Until Holy Spirit revealed to me what was happening in my life in the unseen realm. Then wonder why sprits attach themselves to ppl. Especially if this movie does NOT point you to the Truth to set ppl free. Ijs. No i haven't seen the movie. I might but the truth is I'm not!😂

  4. Isaiah it’s overall a good movie for the non believer for people that don’t have a lot of experience with spiritual warfare. So if you are comparing it to your deliverance videos it’s not going be the same .

  5. Movies, art, music are subjective. People who are incarcerated have lots of demons. I was involved in prison ministry and those women appreciated when we went in to minister. Yes, demons manifested and they were delivered. More Christians need to get into prison ministry and feel and see a whole new level of darkness, 24/7. Prison staff has some real stories to tell. I pray this movie gets an academy award…🏆🏆🏆

  6. Thank you for the review of the movie, Isaiah. I was having 2nd thoughts about this movie… When the movie was about to come out. The writer of this movie described how he came up with the idea of writing this movie. For this reason alone, I decided not to go see it. Too many movies like to expose the lies of satan but not many have the boldness to shed the light and restoration and healing of the blood of Jesus. Without the Holiness of God, it won't matter what message you are trying to get people to understand, you will always fall short. Just another excuse for religiousness to make it's way in, without a solution, without healing, the church misses the mark. Instead of actual loving and praying for people on the street… We've relied too much on movies to do the work for what we have been called to do… Jesus said…Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received!

    Matthew 10:8 NLT

  7. At 6:35 you basically say you feel hopeless because you’ll always have demons following you…are you serious? You as a preacher or whatever you claim to be should know that demons are always following us waiting for us to trip so they can stomp all over us…especially if we try to get closer to God… come on man. Your feeling of hopelessness is your problem. You and anyone else that watches this movie and feels the same needs to get closer to Jesus. People coughing next to you manifesting you say 😑 either you are paranoid about everyone around you or you yourself feels the need to judge people for no reason…if anyone is being dramatic it’s you dude. If you can’t recommend anyone the movie don’t make a review about it.

  8. ONE THING THAT WILL NEVER BE CHANGED ABOUT A CHRISTIAN IS THAT HE OR SHE IS NEVER!!!! GONNA BE A COCKTAIL OF spirits, some demons plus the HOLY SPIRIT, NO!!!!!! satan deceives and influences only with one's permission or ignorance ( in Christians only)!!!!! And unfortunately, this causes a falling out of God's PERFECT PLAN, so CHRISTIANS DON'T HAVE DEMONS LIVING IN THEM, CHRIST DIS-ARMED the devil and his hosts and HE HAS NOT RE-ARMED THEM for them to GO AROUND inhabiting HIS ANYHOW!!!! WE ALLOW, and by EXPOSING OURSELVES TO GODS WORD AND THE HOLY GHOST WE CAN DISALLOW. WE ARE SUPERHUMANS NOT JUST NORMAL, WE ARE NEW CREATIONS.

  9. Shout out to Isaiah for keeping it 💯 🔥 i ain’t gonna watch it. Don’t need to watch that crap if it doesn’t give hope then it’s just glorifying the Devils power so it’s basically pointless. Thanks for sharing 💪

  10. Lets be honest, most of us watch shows that have nothing to do with God, so even though this has that feeling of hopelessness at the end it's still worth the watch. I got the feeling it was going to have a sequal from the way it ended and that is where i assume they will touch more on salvation and deliverance.

  11. Yeah, it should've had victory of Christ depicted .❤❤❤ Solution resolution victory good hope filled ending is what Christianity is all about. From darkness to light .😇🕊️🙌🙏❤️

  12. For as long as I remember, horror movies have been my genre of go-to movies. I have watched both professional and amateur made horror movies on a regular since I was young. Yet, a few years ago, I stopped watching them, and my tv stayed on the ID channel—because when you have watched as many horror movies as I have, you start to see the formula before the first scene ends. So, I needed another fix of horror. Yet, after a few months of watching ID, I realized that turning off the horror movies wasn’t about finding a new fix. It was more of a confirmation of what I was starting to feel when watching horror movies—hopelessness. I began to notice in movies like Insidious, Conjuring, and even in Smile that the demons are either winning or transferring to another like a virus. So, what is the point in fighting them when you can’t eliminate them? In the movie Unholy it didn’t seem like they defeated the enemy.  The movie's premise is that the demon can still return if they have a blood relative still living. My point is, don’t dismiss the hopeless feeling Isaiah is speaking about. Even my husband, who dislikes horror movies but only watches them because I love them, has mentioned the same. I mean, the villains like Michael Myers, Jason, Freddy…etc. Yes. These monsters seem invincible, but you knew you could beat them. Yet, these current demonic movies are not about defeating fear but surrendering to it or passing the curse to another.

  13. I think they ought to release the sequel now that they've shown the problem..I very strongly believe they've got to show the solution, that's a must! And simultaneously release the prequel which ought to depict how this man opened up doors to the devil in his life..like childhood trauma or abuse, etc. That would be a total eye opener for the audience. And while watching the movie, the sequel especially Holy Spirit power will touch their lives and He will set the captives free, as the Truth:King Jesus is revealed to them! And the truth behind demons and how much injustice, harm, killing, theft, and destruction they do to the crown of creation! Those 2 need to be released simultaneously. Bro. Isaiah plz let ur insider friends @ the production company know about this..and yeah other suggestions you might be having too. Thank you bro for ur content, such eye openers! Blessings. (Quote Joannachouhan 2960)

  14. If a movie is theologically sound and says or shows all the right things that would incline one to label it as a "christian movie" but can't even go so far as to mention the name of Jesus wherein lies ALL THE POWER AND AUTHORITY to overcome the world, can it really be labeled as a christian movie? In my opinion, it cannot. The name of carpenter has no power. The name of Jesus as ALL POWER. That is why the bible states and i quote, "Therefore God has highly exalted Him and given Him the name that is above every name: That at the NAME OF JESUS every knee shall bow….and every tongue shall confess that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, to the glory of GOD the FATHER" Philippians 2: 9-11

  15. Thank you for honest review, have wondered about this, will not go to see it. We need in this dark world a hope in the redeeming love, grace and freedom that only God can supply.


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