“I Used To Be A Lesbian”

Author, speaker and artist Jackie Hill-Perry is compelled to share the light of gospel truth through teaching, writing, poetry, and …


  1. Love this woman. However, there has to be a way to love God and truly be yourself. I don’t understand why someone can’t be homosexual and love who they want— and be a child of Christ. Jesus loves everyone for who they are, I believe that.

  2. Wise beyond your years! I love these truths, especially the one about realizing that just because others sin differently from you doesn't make them that much different from you; we're ALL in need of salvation. That has really opened my heart to be less unsure about how to approach someone with different struggles than me. We all just need the love of God and the truth, and to give ourselves to His will. 🙌❤️

  3. She isn't repressing anything. She's choosing to live by a higher spiritual principle. I was bisexual, and spending time in the presence of God, getting to know Him as my Father and knowing it wasn't his intent for my life completely obliterared my same-sex attraction. On our own, in our humanity, we cannot say no to our sinful natures and desires. We can only turn away from it when our spirit comes alive again because we are born spiritually dead and cut off from God. Our human nature is warped, the image of God in us has been damaged. As Christians we cannot call good bad in good conscience.

    Those of you who judge this woman for choosing Christ do so because you don't and can't understand until you make that same choice.

    I came to faith in a similar fashion, in the privacy of my room. Nobody preached to or at me, God Himself invaded my life with His love.

  4. ALL of us need Jesus, so Christians really should not act all high and mighty. The LGBTQ community needs Jesus and when you pursue Jesus, Him and the Holy Spirit will help you and your heart’s desires, redirect your heart to Him and He will help you – nothing is impossible with Christ

  5. Thank You for sharing your story; I encountered gay feelings; I tried to make it work, but It didn't feel good. This man was a male prostitute and made a pass at me, so I obliged him to find out if I was gay, but it didn't feel right at all.

  6. Amen! God really is amazing in transforming lives for His glory. I had gender identity and sexuality issues, i used to be a closeted bi. Just recently, i flirted with a girl and i kinda liked her that way, but something in me just tells me this isnt right. Im sure it the holy spirit talking to me. Please pray for me to avoid this sin and never go back, im still struggling with it.


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