I SHALL NOT WANT WITH APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN ||03 |12| 2023|| To give, please click the link below …


  1. I'm watching from Louisiana in the US🇺🇲 God Bless Apostle Selman and Koinonia. You are blessed. I listen to the sermons 3-4 hours a day on YouTube. Oh, how I wish I could be there in Nigeria. My soul rejoices in God my Savior, for He continues to pour out graces among his people. God is Faithful. Bernadette

  2. I SHALL NOT WANT, AMENNNN . The height my mother could not attain (Economically, in the worship/fellowship with God, Education wise etc), I will reach and go beyond,Amennn. The limitation that come as a result of finance shall not reach me.

  3. Topic: I shall not want: Principles of living lack free in the Kingdom.
    Starting point of Financial prosperity is a combination of the following
    [  ] Law's and principles
    [  ] Human factors
    [  ] Divine empowerment
    [  ] The help of God

    1. It is the will of God for me to prosper financially

    God will is for you to pursue, overtake and recover
    Proverbs 10:22 – get wealth without sorrow
    Deut 8:18 – Power to get wealth
    Psalm 35:27 – God pleasure to prosper you
    Timothy 6:17 God gives you richly all things to enjoy

    2. Financial prosperity is one of the blessing of loving and serving God.

    Psalm 103 – Benefits of serving God.
    Job 36:11 – Obey and serve God and you will live in prosperity and pleasures

    3. You can have abundant financial resources without knowing or loving God, but the peace and fulfilment only comes from God.
    Proverbs 10:22 – God's blessings adds no sorrow.
    John 14:27 – Jesus gives us peace that nothing in the world can offer. There is a common void that only peace from Jesus can fill, nothing else, no even wealth. The God dimension of wealth provided by the Prince of peace.

    4. Wealth and abundance in the Kingdom is a function of Laws, human factors, divine empowerment and the God factor.
    An interplay of these provisions sustains your wealth. Food analogy – ingredients become a meal if used in the right proportion to achieve the right outcome. Lopsided approach cause problems in the long run.

    5. God does not decide who becomes wealthy or poor.
    Deutr 30:15-20 – we are offered choice to choose our experience of the provisions afforded by the laws of God, either life or death.

    Proverbs 22:2 God made everyone. Some chose to be poor, some chose to be rich, by their choice of action

    6. Kingdom wealth is not about the money you accumulate, rather about having supplies that meets your need and empowers you to bless your world and support the kingdom of God.


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