The grace to hear the Lord’s voice is sweeter than honey. When the Lord ministers to you for somebody, always remember that the …


  1. THE LORD JESUS SAID: My people perish for the lack of knowledge. Have the knowledge of God by reading his word every day and the spirit of God will teach you. He is the best teacher.

  2. It's our responsibility to pray hard,and not rely on anyone else. Just kneel down and pray,asking God to give you the strength to trample anything tha is dragging you backwards,concerning prayers, Pray without ceasing. God has no favorites.

  3. Belinda I am so sorry for your son and dad passing away premature death is hardest to deal with because it's like a light switch I know what I talking about my son went out to celebrate his 4day old son's birth 4 hrs later he was killed in February lost my son in law without God I will not be hear still seeking justice but God has been my strong tower focus on other people less fortunate I pray for the suck lead people to Christ eat live the bible 24hrs it's given me such people don't give your time to think about stuff keep your king occupied bible worship music one day you will wake up to find you can laugh again God bless you and strengthen you he does but give him your pain

  4. Why do they keep saying "prophesy" it seems like they are tending to the flesh or the preachers ability to prophesy. How can you not say "Hallelujah" or "glory to God" in this instance. God is doing that not the preacher. I like Prophet Lovy but he needs to address this methodology I feel it's not right.

  5. Please pray for me and my wife sindhu John fill with holy spirit holy words of God holy fire holy spirit holy words of God holy fire 🔥 holy water holy blood of Jesus christ amen holy love holy wisdom from God amen

  6. Please pray for me and my wife sindhu John fill with holy spirit holy words of God holy fire holy spirit holy words of God holy fire 🔥 holy water holy blood of Jesus christ amen holy love holy wisdom from God amen

  7. Please pray for Rahul Gandhi and family members fill with holy spirit and holy words of God holy fire 🔥 holy water holy blood of Jesus christ amen holy love holy wisdom from God amen, all MLA'S of congress party FILL WITH HOLY SPIRIT HOLY WORDS OF GOD HOLY FIRE 🔥 HOLY WATER HOLY BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST AMEN HOLY LOVE HOLY WISDOM FROM GOD AMEN

  8. Am from Liberia son of God please remember me and my children in your prayers if I money I was going to find you but we living by his Grace please come in Liberia one day I love your grace papa

  9. Deceiver .Preach Jesus and him crucified. Preach the cross preach the blood.The portrayal of a crossless Gospel is a betrayal. WE DONT RECEIVE OUR FULLNESS FROM ANOTHER ,OUT OF HIS FULLNESS WE RECEIVE OUT FULLNESS GRACE UPON GRACE.HIS NAME IS JESUS THE SAVIOIR OF ALL MANKIND.REPENT AND COME TO JESUS


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