I Love My Master | Bishop Mike Okonkwo | Sunday 10-04-2022

Welcome to this online worship experience of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM). It promises to be an amazing time in …


  1. Bishop Mike has succintly explored John 10v 9-Jesus is indeed the Door ; and Salvation is through Him alone; But the last part of this verse is what Bishop has explained-MY SHEEP GO IN AND OUT OF PASTOR. Its a choice 42.35; we are free to go in and out of His Pasture. The question is why leave His Pasture if you indeed Love Him? Why leave the wonderful wonderful space of His Pasture where you find Peace, Joy , Rest?!What would anyone want outside this? What tempting fruit would the Enemy dangle before us to leave HIs Pasture? Ah, in deed there is true liberty with Christ! No manipulation, no condemnation. Our Love for Him must be our Choice! Period!


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