"I Know I'm not Worthless" – Freed from Porn Addiction & Marriage Saved

Porn drove a wedge in the Wilson’s marriage. When Dave confessed it to Meg, she wanted to leave but God provided the grace …


  1. Guilt, shame, & condemnation are NEVER from God, for it is the GOODNESS of God that leads man to repentance (change of mind/heart). Did Jesus condemn the woman caught in adultery? No, He showed her forgiveness & mercy. So may we be forgiving & merciful and may we edify & encourage one another into our true identity as children of God.

  2. What made a mark in me is the word “shame” that the enemy uses for a tactic to keep us from confessing. What an inspiring story. I was once addicted to pornography and managed to overcome it by the grace of the Lord.


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