1. I don’t listen to Joshua Selman and I haven’t in a long time. I used too back in 2021 when I discovered him but I stopped after a few sermons. Everything he said in this video was demonic and unbiblical.

    I’m not sure what he’s preaching now or what his stance is but my spirit has rejected him. I gave my wife my reservations plenty of times. Evidence always helps with what you feel.

    He was corrupted early on.

    Praying for his repentance.

  2. God revealed this to me a long time ago. When i was fanatical about his teachings. So i stopped listening to his teachings. But most people wont believe this. I was shocked. Be prepared to face a lot of backlash from this video you posted. His followership is indeed fanatical

  3. I am so sorry you felt compelled to do this. I will say this, Joshua Selman is a true man of God. And “no” he is not my idol. I know how to seek God for myself. There are very few sincere genuine true men of God that you can find these days.…I believe you are doing more harm than good at this point. I pray that it is truly God that has lead you to do this post not something you are doing on your own accord. In our journey as followers of Jesus Christ and in our zeal to get to know Him we all have connected ourselves with people who may not have had the right agenda “wolves in sheep’s clothing”. But God has graced us enough when our hearts are truly sincerely seeking Him to deliver us from evil prophets, pastors, family members and etc. When we repent to God He forgives us of our sins. ( I, even I, am he that blotted out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins. Isaiah 43:25-26) Your testimony appears to be similar where you were connected to ministries that turns out to be not of God. I have not seen anyone on a campaign to expose you for your past connections with these false prophets. ( The word is still true no matter how we have abused it “touch not my anointed…”) They body of Christ is going through too much these days to have this type of division. I pray that you will seek God before do stuff like this because there are still some babes in Christ who follow you and will walk away from the faith because of this kind of division.

  4. Wow. God is truly vindicating the servants that seen this a few years ago. Now it’s time for the guy who gave him that sword to come to the light as well. It must come out. Too much slaughtered sheep’s. May God have mercy on them.

  5. Hey brother in Christ thanks for this video. Can you please also talk about the whole spiritual daughter, spiritual father titles that people use in the church? I thought we had only one Father and your earthly father of course but anything besides that, should we be calling someone else spiritual father or mother? Thank you

  6. One way to not get deceived by your pastor ask yourself : what he is saying is it putting light on Jesus or light on himself ? If it is the latter, and it’s repetitive, then it’s time to reevaluate your walk with Jesus and take it from there !

  7. This is so sad 🙁 When I first got saved two years ago, I watched several of Joshua Selman's videos! One of his videos about how to meditate on scripture was very helpful for me. However, I naturally stopped listening to him after a few months. It's unfortunate to see this information now 🙁

  8. A lot of people are not on these people level. Be careful because a curse can come upon you, because of where your spiritual growth isn't. Everything is not in the bible. Lovy said that he had an encounter with Abraham. Be careful with spiritual things that you don't understand. ❤❤

  9. Abednego Lufile, you didn’t define witchcraft and show how it was witchcraft.

    Listen there are many things you don’t know. How did Elisha’s bones resurrected a person.

    Who told you the men of God are dead? They are sleeping. Understand

  10. I am going to say that I believe that Joshua Selman is called by God and I would have to say he's one of Nigeria's true apostles even a true Apostle can be deceived and if you don't think so go look at the story of the young Prophet versus old prophet in 1st Kings chapter 13

  11. The Lord said not to communicate with the dead; this is like Saul going to the medium for her help communicating with Samuel. I'm afraid that's not right. I was led to Apostle Selman, but now, as I connect the dots, I realize this is not biblical. This is witchcraft and the formula for the rise of these false ppl we see today.

  12. This is the second mega church that has done this grave yard stuff and it doesnt have any scripture basis.

    When they called up the dead it was witchcraft and forbidden by King Saul until King Saul himself went to a sorccerrer to get a word from the prophet. The prophet was angry that King Saul disturbed his rest.
    Read your scripture people or you will be deceived yourself even the devil can appear as an angel of light.

    Jesus himself is our intercessor and mediator why do you need another?

  13. By the way, Mr Abednego, i have just stated watching your videos, but most seem to be crticing .
    For you, what does the Lord tell you.
    By the way, what you are doing is not ministry.
    You might think you are helping people to open there eyes, am thinking you should be doing evangelism, are you a prophet? A teacher.
    Be careful not to mislead people in the long run.
    Stop looking for the wrongs in other people, and preach the word.
    Then when people will learn from the word.
    Am not saying I support TB Joshua but am just saying you can do real ministry. Not this

  14. You guys how much do you get paid to cause confusion in the body of Christ. Surely its end time so the devil also chooses his own to attach real men of God. Your reward aaits you brother,repent while its early. Stop wasting your time doing such videos,repent and leave men of God alone. Are you God who can judge that what these men are doing is demonic,are you the giver of gifts my brother. Surely stop this

  15. I pray that a day will come that we will pray for these men of God instead of trying to bring them down, don't we all sin everyday?! can we deal with our weaknesses first and let the Father, our Heavenly Father do His work

  16. The things you do not understand you should leave alone or speak with the persons of consern. There are many spiritual things that may be a mystery that you may not see in the Bible. The mysteries of God are not recorded because they are mysteries. Go ask the man rather than trying to try him in public without him being able to respond. Boy it conserns me how a lot. Of YouTubers pick up or seem to be trying to pick at everything they hear and see as if they know all things.

    Ok in one breath you say you are not saying anything bad about this man yet you are making these claims publicly without him having a chance to speak. That is incorrect!! I appreciate the attempts to defend the gospel but to what end. Ok so you expose to what end. God exposes to redeem…… not destroy……. If he chooses to destroy that is his choice and after few warnings this is done. So if your exposing has no attempt in it to reach out and advise or get clarity to redeem. What’s the purpose??? Why do we like to fight our own people……it’s equally unhealthy and unbiblical to tear down brothers or sisters in Christ. There is a clear protocol of correction in the body and this ain’t it. If your brother is overtaken in a fault You who ‘believe’you are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted.

    There is a protocol.

    Our problem in the church is that we enjoy destroying ourselves in the name of exposing on behalf of God. Let’s help each other to get it right. What this is doing is of little help to the advancement of the Kingdom.

  17. I used to listen to some of his stuff for a very short time, then one day he said something that was opposite of what God has spoken to me and others about to do with our salvations, this was when I knew he was not of God. I never saw this video of his, if I had, I would have picked up on him being false quicker. That graveyard thing is very occultist.

  18. I don't know where I would be without Apostle Selman's teachings. ♥ (except this) HIs TEACHINGS ARE ALL VERY Biblical! And YES people do have ANGELIC EXPERIENCES. Myself being one of them but that was BEFORE hearing Selman. THIS is so VERY OUT of character and YOU SAY YOUR NOT SPEAKING OF HIM NEGATIVELY . You ARE saying "something "NEGATIVE about him . IF THIS WAS what the MAJORITY of his 'TEACHINGS" were about.. OK.. but that's just NOT TRUE. BUT YOU are going ON AND ON about it.. There is clearly "A" video so nobody NEEDED EXTRA COMMENTARY. CONTACT HIM instead of EXPOSING him. Who is right.. ?? He SAID "The CHARACTER OF JESUS" IS THE CORRECT GUIDE" -You are WRONG about that. I would say that was a BIG ERROR on your part. I will pray for you, God bless ❤

  19. I see no where in the bible that God gave anyone a ministry to expose people. You are not being led by God. U are false with all these people u are exposing. Fake exposing fake. Rediculous.

  20. This that u are doing is not of God but this is by the enemy instilling fear in the people, not drawing them to God but to yourself. U are all fakes. Ur wrong in thinking that God gives a ministry of exposure is no lesser than any mans witchcraft.

  21. Prophet Abednego, you are right. In my personal opinion, Joshua Selman is completely defiled. Remember he also got the occultic sword. We must get our impartation directly from Holy Spirit. Only Holy Spirit is the sole custodian of His anointing.

  22. Deception spirit in the name of correction. That's what happens when Christians spend time on internet searching for so called "man of God" instead of reading bible and searh for Jesus. What a shame in the body of Christ.

  23. Brother Sadhu has also had such encounters, Kevin Zadai too. Does it go against scripture? There are people called Just men made perfect… Such even after they leave still have impact. I would watch before I say the word witchcraft. Didn't the prophets bones raise the dead? They weren't looking for a miracle. It just happened. For this one on AJS I will pass.


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