"I have 100% belief in that God can do anything." Man healed of "The Silent Killer"

Jerry Schofield suffered an abdominal aortic aneurysm, sometimes called ‘the silent killer,” on April 29, 1010. Due to the storms in …


  1. By our faith in Jesus we became clean and new, as if we had never sinned. What a powerful revelation. We were transferred from Satan’s Kingdom into God’s kingdom of love. 🙏

  2. "Will the Jewish people love a 45 year old, catholic, polish women as their Jewish Messiah" That's how I already revealed myself back in October. My name is MAGDALENA this time. If that's not enough proof that JESUS was a Messiah then there is another one. Everything God showed me and told me happened outside. GOD IS NOT INSIDE THE CHURCHES. TIME FOR CHANGE IS NOW😥🙏🙏🙏🕊🕊🕊

  3. The Bible is One, Single, Solitary book,

    and that is the total extent of your evidence to prove your god???

    The Bible is Fiction:

    This 'Bable' book is backed up by absolutely no facts and no evidence for gods!

    It is not proof for any god(s)

    The fables are intertwined within historical places and people…

    eg Egypt and the Pharaohs existed,

    whereas Moses did NOT exist,

    and the Exodus did not happen.. !

    A 'global' flood never occurred in Geologic history !


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