1. I gave my life to Jesus some weeks ago…having chronical pain because of traumatic childhood
    and therefore getting dropped in NEW AGE.
    The next day after my surrendering to Jesus I broke my rhigt foot…a man who follow Jesus takes care for me and my dog in this moment…
    But even so I am crying because of pain and fear of death…
    Please pray for me
    to experience Jesus love.Thank you so much…
    I will pray for everyone feeling
    pain anxiety loneliness and sadness…Will we all feel the love of Jesus.
    God bless you for your work and faith in Jesus the Lord

  2. The commentary after each testimony is very unnecessary. It dilutes the testimony beforehand which has so much richness and is very clear, particularly in the fact that Jesus reaches and finds people in very individual ways.

  3. I used to be like this. I used to believe that I wasn't worthy of love. Due to being bullied and called ugly daily, and due to being from a dysfunctional, negative, and toxic family. And due to my father's side of the family rejecting me. So, if I ended up with an abusive person. I felt like I deserved it. I used to feel like other people deserved to be loved and love, but I didn't think that I deserved it. Because I wasn't pretty enough or good enough. But GOD'S love, mercy, grace, and compassion for me showed, told, and taught me otherwise. And I can't help but to praise and thank God for it. I thank HIM FOR HIS LOVE, MERCY, GRACE, COMPASSION, HEALING, DELIVERANCE, AND COMPASSION. I THANK HIM FOR HIS GOODNESS, AND FOR TEACHING ME HOW TO TRULY LOVE AND SEE HIM FOR WHO HE REALLY IS, AND IN TURNED I LEARNED HOW TO LOVE MYSELF AND OTHER'S COMPLETELY, PROPERLY, AND AS A WHOLE. I CHOOSE TO PRAISE AND THANK YOU MY HEAVENLY FATHER BECAUSE OF IT. HALLELUJAH. HALLELUJAH. HALLELUJAH. HALLELUJAH. HALLELUJAH. HALLELUJAH. HALLELUJAH. LORD WE BLESS YOUR NAME.

  4. I am Alvin. In the darkness of all the academic problems I am facing I only see hope in Jesus. I don't know how things will change but I need my heavenly father to help me fight this battle of uncertainties since 4 years. Please pray for me 700 Club.


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