“I felt empowered” – She Embraced Santeria and Identity as a Witch Until She had a Terrifying Vision

Illiana Soltani spent most of her life in the occult until someone at work prayed with her. This led her on an unexpected journey.


  1. Thank you!! I too felt the demons and terrors at night, due to our mom practicing wishcraft, and many o round us! If you believe o wishcraft and practice thinking you are helping people, is a lie, God is the true power and life!

  2. I love her testimony! Some elements were similar to mine with the new age practices that I learned when I was in massage school. I was attuned to reiki by reiki master and given a demon of oppression through that ritual but never possessed because I was already a Christian as a girl and had walked away from that. 5 years after that attunement I had lots of sleep paralysis and called out to Jesus in my mind because I couldn't breathe in the sleep paralysis he appeared in my room and spoke to me saying that I have to call the demon by its name ask him what the name of it was and he said it was the demon of the love of the occult so I cried out in my spirit again remember sleep paralysis you can't breathe talk or wake up so I cried out in my spirit in the name of Jesus this demon of the love of the occult must leave me. Then a big explosion of energy above my , to when I was , and I was able to breathe out. I know I was not possessed but I was oppressed. Just like this lady's testimony I went through a time of sanctification with God and he was teaching me how to pray like a warrior and break off every lie of false identity that I had believed about myself. You don't want to deal with the demonic stuff. There's no incentive in it. Call out to Jesus and he will be with you and he will deliver you completely. I've never had any more sleep paralysis or desire to practice anything of darkness again.


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