I Doubted Christianity Until this Happened… 😳 (Testimony)

Delafé Testimonies is a global project with the mission to create the world’s largest archive of Jesus testimonies. The vision is to …


  1. Wow u are good at talking and get the message out of god out there and it’s to go to god for help and how god don’t see us hopeless or worthless so thank you and god bless you for sharing ur story

  2. 💗❤❤💞This Gospel message if you continue to believe this message, you will be saved: For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. Then he appeared to more than five hundred brothers at one time,

  3. such a beautiful Testimony ♥️big hug Reason i start listening to testimony because it helps me resort my faith back to God, many a times my faith as human being tend to become weak and feels like i am alone or i can’t see God or doesn’t know me etc such thoughts goes through me and just feel weak in faith but then i such for testimony of young people like me and Restores my faith big time ❤ i am sooo Grateful for the production for making platform for testimony thankyou it means a lot to many of us🎉❤ Testimony is Powerful u never know whom it is touching in which conner of the earth 🌍

  4. There is never a more true thing I’ve heard than Jesus is the answer hence why he said “ I am the truth. I am the life” after i found him I stopped feeling like an empty pit…

  5. This story sounds like a mirror image of my life. No i didnt do drugs or have sex but i had an addiction to porn and games and i kept lying out of shame because i wasnt doing the things that other people were doing so i was trying to build an image of lies that wasnt me to fit in and suddenly i felt like nothing because i was building myself of lies and suppressing the man God was trying to make me and accepting that im not the things i said i was makes me feel free

  6. Saving repentance is realizing that you are a sinner deserving of God's just punishment in Hell and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before, if indeed you trusted in anything; to trusting in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation.

  7. Thanks for sharing your story. ❤ It really makes my heart ache when parents😂 raise there Childern right and think there safe in School! The most dangerous tool is kids taking cell phones in and teachers miss what there doing on them. Porn is such a STRONG spirit! It led you into everything. That’s where it started. Heart breaking for any parent. Never leave God. Is any human being worth going to hell for? The answer is No Way! God got a hold of you now you can help others who need it! Teens need God it’s a crazy world, Jesus said We are in this world NOT of this world. And yes little brother You can not mix light and darkness it will never work and you will backslide. Love you in Christ Stay filled with the Spirit it empowers you

  8. I am greatful for the testimonies you shared and I have the feeling God is using you to speak to me and many people out there struggling with especially Lust. May God richly bless ya‘ll and your Families and free you from your Sins. Never give up and continueosly focus on the Word of God. Praise and Worship him in every situation of your Life and may he bless you with eternal Life. In Jesus Name, Amen 🙏🏿

  9. Our Lord knows everything~ and it’s not easy for us to know & understand that He still loves us when we fall so short. God wants to save us, He and Jesus have proven that at the cross. Thank you for your testimony.


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