I Deserved to be SINGLE? | Honest thoughts on Christian singleness and dating

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  1. In my early twenties I had these ideal expectations I wanted to be married and have children. I prayed to God every night to have a boyfriend ended up in 8year relationship with someone who wasn't a Christian. I lost God between those years. Now at 33 God took me out this relationship this year because I wanted God more . Now 33 starting again I'm scared but I know God more important to me than that relationship. I still love my ex but I love God more. I wish I stayed single in my twenties. I struggled with lust and thing ls outside of marriage God really convicted me for it

  2. I agree with everything you said. This was a very God-honoring take on singleness. It becomes harder as the years go by. At 23, God has given you the right heart and attitude. But at 29 … 35 …. 40. The level of trust and endurance that is required to press on when the mounting pain of singleness threatens to crush you into despair … it is exhausting and suffocating, in all honesty. That being said, God's grace is sufficient and He is still sovereign over our lives. But as the years go on … unwanted singleness is like picking up a bloody cross and following Christ. Yet He did, after all, say that discipleship would be like that.

  3. A friend fell for me and l gave him a chance. The relationship lasted 14 months but I hadn't been ready yet. He used to believe but l was Catholic and l wanted to change him so bad. I broke up with him because l knew he deserved better. That was in 2018. 3 years later, 2021, l found a Christian church thanks for a friend. I fell in love with the church, not the building but the people. Months later, I was able to attend a women's retreat and got upset because everyone was mentioning 'Me and my husband.' Husband this and husband that. Why not wife? I honestly didn't understand why same gender relationship weren't encountered. Then two beautiful Christian ladies explained. One that went on the same trip and the other one was a temporary coworker. They explained and l understood. I later received Christ in May 2022.

    2 weeks later, I decided to set the line with another friend l had friendzoned. I was honest and stood up to him. We stopped talking to each other but l know God knows what's best for us. Little by little, I start to notice how Christ is showing me the beauty of falling for Him, preparing me, and trusting Him with my love life going into the future. It's amazing how things have changed in a year. Anime, movies, games…they don't seem of great importance anymore, not like before. I can testify, spending time with God in the Word, getting to know Him, at church, sharing Christ, serving, helping others, will NEVER be time wasted.

    I agree, being single is such a blessing. He is shaping me into the person He meant me to be. I don't know how much time l have in this world but Lord, l want to fall in love with You. Others relationships matter to me but working on the relationship I have with God matters the most. That real and personal relationship with God will last forever 🙏. God has no beginning and no end. He knows what's best for me and is always ready to listen, help, and guide us. May He bless you today! Christ loves you! ❤️

  4. Just curious what type of TV would you say crosses the line, what is ok to watch? for example something like breaking bad and better call Saul have their fair share of sin in them but idk if ignoring everything with sin in it is the best way to go. I'd say 99 percent of TV has soooome sort of sin

  5. I feel like the culture pushes relationships down our throats. I've had seasons where I wanted relationships and seasons where I didn't. Recently, it has been a season where I want it and I don't know how to deal with that. My prayer is that God helps me not to think about it too much, but to just live in Him.

  6. "Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as His children." "Endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ." Jesus did nothing wrong and he still had to suffer. Furthermore, God doesn't owe anyone anything and the love of this world is sin.

    Love is the issue. It is greater than hope. God is love. He did not have to make us or feel all the penalty for creation, but He did. He took on the pain, all the pain, all the pain that would ever be. He did it because He loved us. It's a small thing, in light of everything that God has given, to suffer, in light of the depths of His love, to get to be like Him, to perhaps get to repay, in some small way, what He has done for me. This is glory, not the enemy. The trouble you face is not the problem to solve. The question is how deeply you will love in the face of darkness. Jesus rose from the dead and you will too. "Because I live you also will live." So it's not so much that we face an unstoppable loss. It isn't like the darkness has won. But it is that we get to decide in our darkest moments who we will become and what our lives will be defined by. Do not take lightly this choice. "When the storm is gone, so are the wicked, but the righteous stand firm forever." And do not despair either. "God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all." So, onward Christian soldier. You have a life to live, a love to give, and a forgiveness that will set this world free; love never fails.

  7. There are surprisingly a lot of older single people here in the comments (I'm 22). This is probably the one area of my life that takes up 95% of my thoughts, so this will be a long one.

    From a young age I used to look forward to dating and marriage a lot, especially dating. My older brother (he's 24 now) had quite a "successful" dating life, he started at the age of 12 and he's currently dating a girl whom he brought to Christ for the past 5 years or so. He hasn't proposed yet however.

    Growing up I was always a quiet boy, I never talked much, never cried much. I've always been preoccupied with my own mind. I never got bored of being alone and not talking to anyone, cuz I could just rewatch TV/movies/anime in my mind, maybe change the story a little, imagine being a character in it. Even today I spend way too much time daydreaming, especially since 2020. I've also never been to a party after I turned 16.

    Whenever we met people at church or at someone's house it was my brother that did all the talking, I only laughed and nodded occasionally. My parents never really taught me any social skills, so I always had a hard time making friends.
    I did have crushes and all that, but I wasn't confident enough to ask them out until highschool, where I got rejected, twice. Yeah, ouch. I realized I knew nothing absolutely nothing about women and then I began researching. I read books, blogs, talked to lots of people, watched hours of seminars, youtube videos & online courses, and even observed women's behavior in real life.
    I went to college, thinking this is my moment. I did my best to implement what I learned, I got good at talking to people, I made lots of friends, and I even got a girl interested in me. I was very excited, but for some reason she got bored of me I think and a few months later I find out she's dating another guy, for how long idk. But I didn't give up, I tried hanging out with other girls, making new friends, taking part in different events, I even hosted a part of the fresher's program hoping the junior girls might be interested. But nothing was really working out. Soon, I found myself hanging out with 1 friend who's currently my bestfriend and I was starting to give up on dating.

    And then a little something came out of China in 2020, perfect timing. Though I actually enjoyed the alone time.

    A couple months ago I started my post grad, and I don't talk to anyone in class except the lecturer. It's funny cuz of all the students, I talk the most to the prof, but then I don't say a word to anyone else. I sit alone, eat lunch alone, play single player video games alone, etc. I never call people or receive calls unless it's related to work. I don't even text people these days, last time I texted my best friend was 2 weeks ago.

    Can't believe you actually took the time to read my lame story lol. So at the moment, my self-esteem has significantly gone down, and after having given up on dating, I'm giving up on marriage as well. I don't think I'm cut out for it. Seeing all these older single people is encouraging, but I'm gonna be honest, it's a depressing thought. I'm not really happy with dying alone, but at the same time I don't want to get married and have a family.

    Edit – The reason I didn't even mention God in this was because, well, personally I don't think I can ask God for a partner and expect her to like me. After all the research I did, I know that I'm not an attractive guy (not just talking physically here). This is a strong opinion, and I actually do hope I'm wrong, but if a girl likes me there's probably something wrong with her that repels her from other guys. God can provide, yes, but I don't think it works like that. Unless you're looking at an arranged marriage like Issac from the OT, to which yes, technically a wife is being provided.
    I've heard testimonies of people praying for a wife, and coming across a beautiful church girl, who they court, take out on a date all that. I think God can definitely bring a woman into my life, but I would have to get her to like me, which is something I'm incapable of doing. I'm not very clear on this I guess, I still have questions. All I know is I've always been single, dating is too hard for me, marriage is even harder, therefore I don't think it's God's will for me to get into a relationship. I never really asked God for a girlfriend or a wife, but neither has my brother and he was successful. He had no waiting periods, and I'm more mature than my brother, even my parents think so, so why the wait? Howcome he doesn't have a job and is not even ready to live on his own but he has a girlfriend while I am still single? Sorry kind of ranting at this point. I just don't think relationships are given by God.

  8. Reminds me of myself and my ex fiancé. Toxic. People wrestling deeply. Not enough victory over deep serious issues. And we differed on certain values. We were arguing a lot and I was terrified of what our marriage was gonna end up to be like. We both loved God, but it would not have best glorified God for us to bring each other into the mess we each needed to sort out individually. God still had some work to do on each of us before it would be helpful or good to be getting married.
    By God's grace and mercy the wedding was called off and we have basically not spoken since… This has been the hardest year of my life and there has been so much greif and pain and so much to work through and process. But God has met me in it and been incredibly kind to me and has grown me a lot even in just the last 8 months since the broken engagement. I know I am in the palm of His hand and He will never let me go. He will carry on to completion the work He began in me. I'm really glad to be single right now while God teaches and disciplines me and helps me heal.

  9. I understand and agree with trusting in God with regards to finding a mate, but at the same time so many of us put away/avoid pursuing relationships and "totally leave it to God". I know many will be offended or think I'm doubting God but that's not the case.

    I'm simply saying, we need to be more accountable, what are we actively doing to put ourselves in a position to be married, are you actively meeting new people and putting yourself out there? These are so many things especially we find difficult to do. For example, do you approach someone who you believe is ideal for you, or do you just admire them and do nothing? I've seen that most men in the church, including myself, really struggle with this.

  10. I've never liked the "God's still working on you which is why you don't have a partner" reasoning. Sometimes that's not the case and it makes you feel like you need to do x, y, and z to be good enough to move forward but also your heart has to be pure in it and you pray and pray that that would be the case that you wouldn't idolize your future spouse… Sometimes people are supposed to be single and I would say they may go through a period (maybe a long period) where they desire marriage but that doesn't mean that's what God wants for them or what they, themselves, will ultimately want. Sometimes people desire things based on hormones and seeing all their friends do the same thing. I've had long-term boyfriends that eventually realized they just wanted to be in a relationship because all their friends were and I happened to be available. I would also say, to put that kind of reasoning behind marriage and dating but not singleness makes singleness seem "less important" or "less spiritual" by virtue that you have to work at getting good to be in a relationship through God's eyes but not for singleness. While the situation is different (you're bringing a different person into your mess, etc. when you're in a relationship and it's "just you" when you're single) it's so easy to make marriage and dating this big thing that singleness isn't.

    The truth is, God is growing you all the time whether you are ever meant to be in a relationship for the sake of the spread of the Gospel and your relationship with others within the Church and to serve His people still in the World. The desire for something good doesn't mean that God will 100% give you that thing, eventually, as singleness is good, too. Your desires should, hopefully, be so in line with His that what you want inevitably lines up with what He wants and what's best for the kingdom.

  11. Christian men be like "I just want a woman who loves me and obeys me and submits to me in all things" and when women rightfully ask "so you want a dog?" you deflect like that wasn't what you just described.

  12. You're very wise. I'm a woman. I unknowingly married a porn addict. After close to a year of marriage I found out what was going on. We have now been married almost 6 years. Did things get better? No, they got worse. And yes Isaiah, it is a toxic marriage. Any single porn addict man reading this. DO NOT bring a woman into your mess.

  13. This video massively helped me refocus on the Lord and to not see marriage as the answer to all my problems! Part of the issue I think is because the church at large treats single people as incomplete and puts marriage on a pedestal, but that may just be my experience.

  14. In my 30's and single, and it's really been in the past year that I've let go of the dream of a family, not in a bad way, but in a very freeing way to be honest. Now I just give it into God's hands. If it happens, great; if it doesn't, I'm still so blessed and can appreciate the benefits of singleness, something that my married friends will attest to.
    A while back I was at a busy restaurant waiting for my food, and it occurred to me, as time went by and I was getting more impatient, that I was only frustrated b/c I couldn't see what was happening back in the kitchen. If I was back there, I would see the kitchen staff working their butts off and realize they were in fact working towards getting my food ready. And I saw how that's true with God as well. I get frustrated b/c I think God's not moving, but that is MY problem, not His. God IS in fact at work, at all times, even when I sleep, and He has His own reasons for making my life the way it is, and I can trust that if I submit myself to Him, He will make something glorious out of it. So now I'm in a hurry to let go of worry (haha, didn't mean to rhyme) b/c I don't want to waste my time on it. Worry is just me being stupid, not trusting that God is who He says He is; that He is faithful, and good, and loving, and working all things together for the good of those who love Him and are the called according to His purposes.

  15. Thank you so much for tacking this issue. I fell the same way, there's just so much pressure nowadays on young people to find "the one". As a 21 year old who recently moved to a new country and is figuring out A LOT of things in life…this video is filled with so much wisdom and vulnerability…it's a breath of fresh air for me to know that am not the only one who struggles with surrendering my desire to be married someday and also wanting to live wholeheartedly for God. Thank you Isaac!


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