In a modern story of Job, an over-zealous police officer kills an innocent man, who relies on his faith to overcome many hurdles …
I'd be careful posting this one, I doubt the family of this man consented to this dramatisation of their family member's death. You could get sued for this since the "inspiration" source is pretty obvious. I'm religious myself, but I do not believe in rewriting true stories. I know this may not be the intent, but let's face it: How many white, neurotypical police officers with good looks get massacred by a gang of hogs? God made his son rise from his fleshy grave once, not for false idols to present in His place. This is just my personal view, just be weary when it comes to sensitive topics. One more: Isn't "Points" a term used for f**earms and not for gas? I'm not American, so idk much about w*aponry.
Storyline is very familiar. All I can say is GRRR…innocent people getting attacked, accused and accosted and ultimately snuffed is never ok. IF they are innocent especially then, and no matter the case brutality is NEVER ok. Some do not remember it's supposed to be REASONABLE force, if necessary, not abuse…yep gotta be careful.
I'm glad that he told his story, the truth should & must be told. He went thru horrible things & he found God in the process, which is the Greatest thing he could have ever gotten in life. God then blessed him & gave him a new job, a home & a wife. So he really was like Job in some ways, in losing everything & getting back new things. Praise God, for his faithfulness! I pray that God will allow the truth to be revealed, that he is honored & justice be done for him, in Jesus name, Amen.
Excellent movie. In the end the Lord will serve the ultimate Justice and every stone shall be turned. Nothing gets passed God. Thanks for this great movie. "Ave Maria". Steven. U.K.
I was not expecting the feelings this movie brought out. I couldn't help but cry several times. I hope you receive your justice here on earth. God knows the truth as well. If not here on earth, the officers involved will have to answer for this one day. Yours, is a powerful story and I'm very happy people can watch it in this movie.
Very sad and what is more sad that all the world is like this and going worst day by day ,but thanks God Jesus He will return one day . God Bless you and your family Tom ?❤️
Jesus is Lord God Almighty clothed in unsinful humanity and He is the author of (eternal life) to all who trust Him alone for salvation.
This means that saving repentance is realizing that you are a sinner deserving of God's just punishment in Hell and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before, if indeed you trusted in anything; to trusting in the person and finished work of Christ (alone) for salvation.
No surprise to me it happened in florida, I also have a story . Glad to see God turned it all around. The police WILL face Jesus! Like we all will. God bless all.
I'd be careful posting this one, I doubt the family of this man consented to this dramatisation of their family member's death. You could get sued for this since the "inspiration" source is pretty obvious. I'm religious myself, but I do not believe in rewriting true stories. I know this may not be the intent, but let's face it: How many white, neurotypical police officers with good looks get massacred by a gang of hogs? God made his son rise from his fleshy grave once, not for false idols to present in His place. This is just my personal view, just be weary when it comes to sensitive topics. One more: Isn't "Points" a term used for f**earms and not for gas? I'm not American, so idk much about w*aponry.
Storyline is very familiar. All I can say is GRRR…innocent people getting attacked, accused and accosted and ultimately snuffed is never ok. IF they are innocent especially then, and no matter the case brutality is NEVER ok. Some do not remember it's supposed to be REASONABLE force, if necessary, not abuse…yep gotta be careful.
It doesn't deserve to breathe.
I’m very disappointed in this movie poorly written
I'm glad that he told his story, the truth should & must be told. He went thru horrible things & he found God in the process, which is the Greatest thing he could have ever gotten in life. God then blessed him & gave him a new job, a home & a wife. So he really was like Job in some ways, in losing everything & getting back new things. Praise God, for his faithfulness! I pray that God will allow the truth to be revealed, that he is honored & justice be done for him, in Jesus name, Amen.
I forgot to say: Thank You for this true story & for sharing it with us. Thanks.
Excellent movie. In the end the Lord will serve the ultimate Justice and every stone shall be turned. Nothing gets passed God. Thanks for this great movie. "Ave Maria". Steven. U.K.
This is when you fight fire with fire.
???? what ?
My goodness wow God His great ?
Real nice acting all around. Ok
Real nice acting all around. Ok
A experienced actor like Kevin Sorbo in a good storie movie but the other "actors" with their acting ain't not so good. ?
I was not expecting the feelings this movie brought out. I couldn't help but cry several times. I hope you receive your justice here on earth. God knows the truth as well. If not here on earth, the officers involved will have to answer for this one day. Yours, is a powerful story and I'm very happy people can watch it in this movie.
What an amazing guy and an awesome God we serve ? Does anyone know if the Police finally tell the Truth
Very sad and what is more sad that all the world is like this and going worst day by day ,but thanks God Jesus He will return one day .
God Bless you and your family Tom ?❤️
Jesus is Lord God Almighty clothed in unsinful humanity and He is the author of (eternal life) to all who trust Him alone for salvation.
This means that saving repentance is realizing that you are a sinner deserving of God's just punishment in Hell and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before, if indeed you trusted in anything; to trusting in the person and finished work of Christ (alone) for salvation.
Sad thing is so many pigs are like this. How many times does it have to happen.
No surprise to me it happened in florida, I also have a story . Glad to see God turned it all around. The police WILL face Jesus! Like we all will. God bless all.
God is great, good, and loving.
He will certainly honor your intention.