"I Began to See Jesus Breathe into Her" – Doctor-Confirmed Miracle of God!

Caitlin survived a tree falling on her. With prayers answered, their family had a very special Thanksgiving that year. ▻ 24/7 …


  1. This video brought me to tears!!! JESUS SAVED HER 🙏♥️🙏♥️🙏. Thank you Jesus!! GOD answered My Prayers on August 23 2020. I felt THE HOLY SPIRIT entered ME and wiped $30,000 of debt from myself and my family. I am So at Peace now. I laid my burdens at HIS FEET🙏♥️🙏♥️🙏♥️

  2. I ask for prayers over my husband who is battling all kinds of stomach issues and severe sinus infections. Prayers from even just one scripture
    of God’s promise who has assured us healing from his Word will manifest. Thank you Jesus and thank you to all who are living under the faith of our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ! Blessings to all

  3. Dear 700 Club, I have a some issues with the title of this video. (1.) Her father said he that prayed "Jesus breath into her." It was never reported that he said "I began to see Jesus breathe into her.” (2.) No doctors were mentioned to have "confirmed a miracle of God" in this video. Caitlin's father stated the following: "Caitlin's nurse shared her story with other members of the medical team." He then says they nurse said "I know I'm not supposed to necessarily share names and all that, but there's a young girl named Caitlin and I'm taking care of her, and we have walking miracle in our hospital here today.'" So, the title of this story is misleading and does not reflect the facts as shared by the those telling them (basically her father) in the video. Can you please prayerfully consider revising the title of this video to reflect the facts shared there in? You don't need to hype-up a work of God, to exaggerate the narrative to get us to click on it. in the end, that does no one any good. The truth matters and as Christians we need to be truth tellers because it's the truth that set us free and because it's God's nature to tell the truth. The misleading title may be just "human error," thus my request. But you should know that non-Christians click on your links too and some may walk away feeling like they've been betrayed or lied to and not want to come back. It may even halt their desire to learn more about Christ. I'm sure that would grieve the Holy Spirit. There are plenty of miracles on the level of the title of this video but they are not to be found in this video. And to anyone curious about the miraculous healing power of God and Jesus, it's the real deal. if you felt icky by the title not matching this story, please don't stop clicking on other videos and hearing other testimony! You are in for quite a fun ride as you get to know just how powerful Jesus is. You will find mind blowing testimonies matching the title of this video and greater! Nuff said. Blessings to all 🙂

  4. Can somebody pray for me? I would be most grateful. Trauma from SA in childhood, abuse, neglect , witnessing murder and violence, drunkenness and abuse and somehow , I came through it only to get real sick as an adult. Please pray for me to be healed of POTs , vertigo, vestibular migraines and all other strange diagnosis which occurred out of the blue and caused me to lose ny job. Please God hear my prayer and send healing and guidance 🙏

  5. Isaiah 53:5 (KJV) But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

  6. God is so good to us! He does sustain us and can comfort us even in the moment of disaster. I’m so thankful that Jesus healed your daughter and I guarantee He did an even more amazing work in all your hearts. God bless your beautiful family and all those that jumped into prayer for your beautiful daughter. 💖


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