On Feb. 8th, 2023, students of Asbury University in Kentucky gathered for their Wednesday chapel service. At the end of the …


  1. Her let's give some verses Acts 8 they preached the gospel. When I grew up in Baptist church we had "revival" every year and it was preaching the word christains renewing there hearts there was some that were saved that people would bring to the service. If there is no preaching then how do they understand their sin and give their hearts to Jesus faith comes by hearing the word of God.

  2. I think before anyone judges this they need to go see for themselves. How can you judge something from another person opinions. If people are getting saved and coming to know Jesus Christ where is that wrong in the Site of God. We need to be very careful what we say about the work of Holy Spirit is doing with these people.

  3. I think it was a blessing but it wasn't a revival
    Of it was a true revival why didn't anyone mention Shekinah Glory or Kavod in Hebrew God's tangible presence that is so strong people say it feels like a warm presence and all sorts of healing and release of evil spirits

  4. To the people who are being negative and skeptical? Do you really think the Devil would allow this to happen? Be happy that God is bringing the young generation to Him who are truly lost and need His guidance.

  5. Those going by feelings not being told they are sinners headed to hell and they need to repent ! This kind of fake revival was set up with Bethel and prosperity false prophets like Todd Bentley and people like furtick. It's time to call a spade a spade this was a freak show not the Gospel of Jesus .

  6. 1 John 4:2 says "This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world." So whatever it is, it is from God since they acknowledge that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh.

  7. The church at large seems to be embracing this concept of repetative idolatrous songs as worship. I think we need to redefine what worship actually is & read how the bible defines worship. Its not just singing yourself into an emotionally driven experience & throwing a few random prayers or random bible versus in the mix..

  8. Thank you Alisa Childer for your wisdom filled comments. I am in agreement with your words.
    God continue to Bless you and use you, to have christians be more discernment accordibg to the Scriptures during these times. 🙏🙋Nayda R.

  9. I like your caution and discernment. I did listen to the revival sermon, I thought that the pastor giving the sermon did a good job Expositing Romans 12:9-21 very well. He defined love in the original Greek, and gave application for the verse he exposited. I’m not a Charismatic Christian, but I think that the sermon was good (not excellent but good) and believe the students reaction to it was sincere.

  10. Surely it is essential to keep in mind that the word 'revival', as such, is not a Biblical word. It is a post- Biblical description used to portray an extra-normal moving of the Spirit. As such, it is defined differently by different people. To try to decide about a 'happening whether it is or isn't revival becomes impossible. We should, as you do very ably in this review, ask 'is this the Spirit at work'. But that can be so many different things can it not? And if He, in His sweet sovereignty, works outside of our categorisation, as long as it is Biblical and Christ exalting, who are we to dismiss?

  11. The problem with many churches is that so many people are after an experience like church is some sort of sideshow. They spend hours at these experiences but don't read the Bible even 10 minutes. That should tell you all you need to know about their spiritual discernment.

  12. What I saw was the younger generation who are hungry for God, who are searching. This so called, " post-Christian" generation is open and hungry. Can these people get proper Bible study in their churches? Can they experience real, sincere shepherding in their local church? Maybe, but more often not the case. That to me is the tragedy, the travesty. People go because they are not getting the word at home.


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