In this video, I answer a variety of questions sent in to my instagram from Christian girls all around the world. Accompanied by …


  1. Honestly feel like I’ve fount the one I’ve prayed and seeking God answer it will be answered soon by God she has the characteristics that God wants for me in a girl she live 8 hours away that’s the only con all glory to God if it’s meant to be it will be done

  2. I love your content so much!! I’m 14 and I haven’t found anyone yet, I do have someone in mind. But I know that I still have time. You make me feel like I don’t have to worry about anything, your videos make me feel safe in God’s hand! It means so much that I get to watch your videos over and over again. Some people never realize just how many Christian ppl are in the world, some just think there’s only a few in each state or country. But no, they’re all over the world!!❤

  3. Great content here guys. Joe, praying God introduces you to one of His fine and bubbly daughters soon. I can only imagine what double the energy and double the fun in your videos would be like.😂😂😂

  4. Not me dragging my three kids into the coffee shop tomorow 😅 jk jk i remember pre kiddos pre "getting very lost" i used to go to coffee shops and nobody talked to eachother lol

  5. Please Copy this Message so it can reach more people.

    Hi there! I just wanted to say that religious or not, you are AMAZING and loved by God a lot! In fact, he loved you SO much that he sent his son, Jesus, to die on a cross. Whoever believes in him shall have eternal life. Here is a verse:

    John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son, and whoever believes in him, shall be granted the gift of eternal life.”


  6. A bit late to the party on this video but, I genuinely want an honest answer from anyone who happens to stumble upon this comment. As a Christian guy, would you date a Christian girl who did not save herself for marriage?

  7. This was so entertaining! I love that you all can have so much fun but also say such deep things!
    I’m still waiting for my man of God but I also pray for him every day and I have a book of letters to him! It helps me when I’m feeling sooooo single lo

  8. Wow what a great video “girl speak here 😂” no seriously it’s great to know the guys perspective in a Christian way. Very well said words. God bless y’all and Joe you’ll fine someone dw in God’s timing 😂

  9. Please Copy this Message so it can reach more people.

    Hi there! I just wanted to say that religious or not, you are AMAZING and loved by God a lot! In fact, he loved you SO much that he sent his son, Jesus, to die on a cross. Whoever believes in him shall have eternal life. Here is a verse:

    1 John 1:9 “ But if we confess our sins, he will forgive our sins. We can trust God. He does what is right. He will make us clean from all the wrongs we have done.”


  10. I love your channel so much, it’s so hard to find devoted christian men these days, but like the question said where are you all hiding??😂
    I know God will find you someone Joe, God Bless💙

  11. Proverbs 31 and Titus 2! That is what I want to obtain to be as a Christian woman.

    And as for my future spouse…we’ll. If he loves Jesus, he’s gonna love me. I can want a lot of things for my husband to be, but I also want myself to be what he needs me to be too. If God has a plan for his life, I don’t want to be the one to lead him astray. I want to be able to make each other stronger. And if God has us both for each other, God will prepare him for me and me for him.

    I write to my future husband and pray for him. I tell him all about my day and things I’ve gone though. Future husband, you’ll receive it when we get married 😂

  12. I find it very difficult that you discribed a person who has other believes as a red flag. I hope you don't mean that in generell. Of course it's OK that you don't want this in a partner. But other believes are OK.

  13. I study my bible regularly and pray regularly. I don't work out as much as I should but I'm getting a lot better. I go to the womens workout sessions at my church. And I've wanted a godly man for forever. Got any friends, joe? 😎🙃

  14. Y’all parents did a great job raising y’all! Proud mamas and papas. this gives me hope in the next generation. I am fourth generation christian in Christ Jesus! My Praise Him!


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