I Am Chosen and Accepted | Prophet Kobus van Rensburg | Legacy Stream 2022

A special thank you to everyone who continues to support us in various ways, and we hope that you will continue to do so in the …


  1. I AM… YOU ARE… Hallelujah Amen!
    1. Created in God’s image

    2. Unconditionally Loved
    3. Abundantly Blessed
    4. Redeemed, Covered & Cleansed
    5. Washed, Forgiven & Saved
    6. Reconciled & Made Righteous
    7. Born again
    8. A new creation
    9. Hidden with Christ in God
    10. Clothed with Christ
    11. Seated with Christ in power
    12. United with Christ
    13. One with God
    14. Set Free & Set apart
    15. Spirit filled & Spirit led
    16. Declared holy
    17. Sanctified
    18. A Saint
    19. A royal priest
    20. Part of a holy nation
    21. A member of God’s Royal family
    22. A child of the most high God
    23. A brother of King Jesus
    24. A member of the Body of Christ
    25. A temple of the Holy Spirit
    26. An heir of the promise
    27. A citizen of heaven
    28. In the light
    29. Awake & Informed
    30. Alive, truly alive
    31. Fulfilled & Victorious
    32. Accepted, Appointed & Anointed
    33. Poised & Prepared to do good works
    34. Strong, Confident & Able
    35. Empowered & Powerful
    36. A world changer
    37. An ambassador
    38. An overcomer
    39. Chosen
    40. Adopted
    41. Valued
    42. Seen and Heard
    43. Gifted
    44. Enough
    45. Worthy
    46. A treasure
    47. Secure
    48. Anchored
    49. Fully known & Understood
    50. My true self


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